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My Daddy’s a Soldier

There is something deep and powerful about sending a parent off to war.

There is something remarkable about children who are asked to do such enormous things, at such tender ages.

There is something about the waiting and the not knowing, the nightmares and the whispered conversations, that changes them.

There is something about the delicate dance between reassurance and not giving false promises that makes them wise beyond their years.

There is so much that we do not yet understand about how this entire generation of military children will be impacted by multiple deployments.

I don’t know much, but I can tell you this: Our children are heroes of the heart.

As this long war continues on, we can’t forget the littlest heroes who will always carry that unique, honorable, invisible badge of courage and sacrifice.

My Daddy’s A Soldier

My Daddy’s a soldier.

And so it is true

Our family’s whole life

Lived for red, white, and blue.


My Daddy’s a Soldier.

Now we all know

Away to the war

When he’s called he will go.


My Daddy’s a Soldier.

I send him a letter.

They call it the “Sandbox”

But I know better.


My Daddy’s a Soldier.

He does what he must.

To protect our great nation.

In God We Trust.


My Daddy’s a Soldier.

He’s brave, through and through.

Please don’t forget him.

He’s fighting for you.


—Written by Lora L., November 2013

Featured image by 131st Mobile Public Affairs Detachment 



  1. Angela Cecilia Campbell

    Awesome poem! 🙂 *fellow army wife*

  2. LaShea Brown Woodard

    Love the poem! I was pretty much the same way when I married my soldier. Except for the fact that I did have brothers in the Navy but still didn’t comprehend how much the Army would change our lives.

  3. Tina Leone Maize

    Beautiful post and beautiful poem. You are a gifted writer.

  4. Alison Fraser Dunham

    Lora can my son use this poem if he would like? He’s a 4th grader who’se been asked to speak to the Veteran’s Day program tomorrow but I wouldn’t want him to recite it without your permission.

  5. Merrilie Hanson Rackham

    Awesome poem. I would love to be able to share it with others. Could I get a copy?

  6. Samm Enlow

    Hugs to you and to your little heroes of the heart. They are remarkable. Bless you all for your service, and especially Dean for his. He helps protect my country, Canada, too.

  7. Karla Leatherman

    Beautiful and poignant and right on the mark! I was a Navy daughter, married an Air Force Officer, have a son in the National Guard right now in Afghanistan! He has two little girls that are missing their Daddy right now! Thanks for remembering ALL of them and their families!

  8. Michelle Aponte Sotomayor

    God bless your family!! It’s a beautiful poem!!


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