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I Know Why They Called Him Goose

You remember Goose from Top Gun? He was such a good guy. I never understood why they called him Goose. Today, I came across an article called “The Wisdom of Flying Geese.” And I think, yeah, that sounds like him. In fact it sounds like us, too—milspouses.

So, here is that article, my metaphor for military spouses and family members.

The Wisdom of Flying Geese

In the spring, when you see geese heading north for the summer or fall, when you see geese heading south, flying along in “V” formation, you might be interested in knowing what scientists have discovered about why they fly that way. It has been learned that, as each bird flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for the bird immediately following. By flying in “V” formation, the whole flock adds at least 71% greater flying range than if each bird flew on its own.

Basic Truth #1: People who share a common direction and sense of community can get where they are going quicker and easier because they are traveling on the thrust of one another.

Whenever a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to go it alone and quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird immediately in front.

Basic Truth #2: If we have as much sense as a goose, we will stay in formation with those who are heading in the same direction as we are.

When the lead goose gets tired, he rotates back in the wing and another goose flies point.

Basic Truth #3: It pays to take turns doing hard jobs, with people or with flying geese.

These geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed.

Basic Truth #4: We need to be careful what we say when we honk from behind.

Finally, when a goose gets sick or is wounded and falls out, two geese fall out of formation and follow him down to help and protect him. They stay with him until he is either able to fly or until he is no longer, and then they launch out on their own or with another formation until they catch up with their group.

Final Truth: If we have the sense of a goose, we will stand by each other, protect one another and sometimes make new friends who seem to be going in our direction.

For a better, visual, adapted version visit The Goose Story on YouTube.



  1. Jennifer

    Awesome!! Thanks for putting that on here! It surprises me how easy life becomes when we’re flying in that perfect formation, and how difficult the resistance is when we fall out! Speaking from life experience, here!~Jennifer

  2. Heather N.

    I love this Star!! Thanks for posting. I’m going to frame this and hang it in my wildlife clinic. We can learn so much from God’s creation if we just take the time to understand the lessons. 🙂


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