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When I began working toward my bachelor’s degree, I was taking online classes. I soon fell in love with the learning platform, and it became my goal to teach online. The idea of being able to work from home and to teach other students what I loved to learn about seemed like a dream job. I studied hard for many years and even earned my master’s this past June. But even with my degree and experience in hand, I wasn’t able to land the job I’d been dreaming about for four years. After six months of sending out resumes, filling out an endless amount of applications, and only receiving rejection letters, I had to start thinking about Option B. After all, I would have to start paying back those student loans in a few months.

I was introduced to a freelance job website by Blue Star Families several years ago. Since my studies were in english literature and creative writing, I looked for freelance jobs in that field. I found several clients looking for writers and editors. It wasn’t until I couldn’t find any work as an online teacher that I turned my focus to editing and dove into the freelance world.

In the beginning of my pursuits to make freelancing work for me and my family, there was a lot of trial and error. I had to learn how to persuade clients to choose me over dozens of applicants. I needed to build a report on the website and a list of previous clients to show that, not only could I edit, but I have experience doing so. I even had to learn the right questions to ask clients to know exactly what they wanted in an editor. Even though I had my degree and a history of previously published writing, I still needed to convince clients I was more experienced then every other freelance editor.

The first few months were a major adjustment in both my lifestyle and career goals.

Now that I’m several months into this new freelance career, I’ve discovered that this Option B plan is more wonderful than I could ever expect teaching online to be. I’m able to choose my own clients and decide which projects to pursue. I get to work with authors from all around the world, editing both non-fiction and fiction. My bookcase is slowly filling with books I’ve worked on, all signed copies from the authors. I’ve even had the pleasure of working with famous celebrities and military veterans. Even though I had to take low-paying jobs to build my reputation, I’m now making a decent income working from home and doing what I love. I help fellow authors reach their publishing dreams by helping them create a final draft of their books.

And the best part is now with the holiday season in full swing, I can choose how much work I want to take on (or none at all).

My advice to military spouses who are currently in school and working toward their dream job, know that sometimes other opportunities will present themselves and provide for an even better job. Be open-minded to everything you can do with your new degree. When you aren’t able to find a job in your field, pursue different routes that meet your goals and lifestyle.

I never thought freelance editing would be profitable or fit my needs as a stay-at-home mom and a traveling military family. But it turns out my Option B job was the best decision I ever made. Now I have a new goal to work with military spouses, to coach them in their writing and encourage them to pursue their own publication dreams.

When you do what you love, everything else seems to fall into place.



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