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News 6 Mashup: Oct. 12, 2020

October 11, 2020

Here are the top stories for the week of Oct. 12, 2020, straight from AWN News 6 Correspondent, Jolene McNutt:

Military Children Eligible for Activity Grants

Military children ages 3 through 18 are eligible to receive a grant to attend camp, sports activities, fine arts programs, or tutoring from Our Military Kids. The children must have a parent who was activated stateside in support of COVID-19 or Southwest Border Mission and served at least 120 aggregated days on orders as part of the National Guard or Reserves. A second grant is available to children who have a parent currently deployed overseas for at least 120 days or whose parent qualifies as a severely injured veteran undergoing treatment. Our Military Kids is a non-profit that provides financial grants to military children. Visit their website to view the full requirements and apply.

WWII Veteran Skydives with Golden Knights

“The US Army Golden Knights made a tandem skydive with Vincent Speranza, a 95-year-old WWII veteran and paratrooper.” You can see photos from the jump on facebook @armygoldenknights.

United Through Reading: Fall Challenge

United Through Reading invites you to join the Fall Into Your Reading Routine Challenge! Help your children continue to develop reading habits and enter to win prizes! Record your book using the United Through Reading app, and each participant will receive prizes for levels achieved. Those who have more than 25 recordings will be entered to win additional prizes. 

You Can Vote Anywhere

The Department of Defense wants you to know that You Can Vote from Anywhere. Whether you are a service member, a military spouse, or a US Citizen overseas, there are ways to vote. Deadlines to vote from anywhere are approaching quickly. For help on requesting your absentee ballot, check our coverage here

Speak For Your Community; Take Blue Star Families Survey

The 2020 Military Family Lifestyle Survey is open until Oct. 16, 2020. Blue Star Families and Syracuse University’s Institute for Veterans and Military Families use this survey to analyze trends related to major shifts in military life issues. It also helps local and national government leaders better understand the needs of the military community. Your voice matters. The survey takes about 30 minutes to complete using your phone or computer.

MFLS Survey Results 2021

This Week in History

On Oct. 15, 1860, 11-year-old Grace Bedell wrote a letter to presidential hopeful, Abraham Lincoln, encouraging him to grow a beard. In her letter she wrote, “All the ladies like whiskers and they would tease their husbands to vote for you and then you would be President.” Lincoln returned her letter and later made a stop to meet Grace in her hometown in Westfield, NY,on the way to his inauguration in February 1861. Bedell recalled, “He climbed down and sat down with me on the edge of the station platform. ‘Gracie,’ he said, ‘look at my whiskers. I have been growing them for you.’ Then he kissed me. I never saw him again.” Read the full story at On This Day


  • Jolene McNutt

    Jolene has been married to her extroverted husband, Phil, for 14 years. He is marching towards the retirement finish line after 22 years of Active Duty military service with the Army. Jolene works for to help military families get connected with no cost online tutoring services (Kindergarten through Bachelor level!) funded by the Department of Defense. Jolene and Phil have a son in middle school who loves LEGO, playing his trombone and board games. They also have a weimaraner, Max, who is the most demanding personality in the household. He keeps the whole family laughing. Jolene enjoys traveling, reading, and making allergy-friendly recipes for Finn. Despite her introverted nature, Jolene loves hosting friends and family. You can find her volunteering or hiking with Max during her spare time. Find her on Instagram @jolenemichelle1. Sarah Robichaud Director of Administration


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