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Should I Still Job Search During the Holidays?

By Kyla Hensley for HireHeroes USA Serving Spouses Program


‘Twas the night before your job search, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, just your computer mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, and companies are still hiring, so do not despair. The resumes weren’t generic but tailored instead, while visions of your dream job danced in your head. 

And you in your blazer, and I in my slacks, we had just settled in after our Zoom meeting chat.  

When in your email inbox there arose such a clatter, you sprang to the keyboard to see what was the matter. Away to the unread message you flew like a flash, clicked open, and read to see the next task. 

The message on the screen, shining like new-fallen snow, gave a priority over all messages in your inbox below. When what to your wondering eyes should appear, but an offer letter and eight tiny reindeer… 

Okay, I joke, but let’s actually talk about job searching during the holidays. It’s a common myth that companies aren’t hiring during the holiday season. 

Hiring Doesn’t Slow Down

The general fact is, companies hire when they need people; it isn’t dictated by the season. For example, our company hired several people this month. If those individuals hadn’t continued job searching until after the holidays, those positions would have gone to someone else. 

Trust me, I get it. I’d rather be drinking hot chocolate and watching movies than tailoring my resume and making connections on LinkedIn, too. However, the job market doesn’t call an audible and say, “Let’s worry about it in January,” so neither should you! Some companies actually increase hiring efforts because the new budget is set, and they want the positions filled by the new year.  

Because this is a common myth, do you know what that means for you? Less competition! So apply, apply, apply! But don’t forget to tailor your resume. Tailoring is critical, because without including keywords from the job description, your resume might not even make it to the hiring manager due to the automated Applicant Tracking System.

‘Tis the Season

Take advantage of this giving time of year and continue to network. Some individuals might have more time to do that informational interview you asked for, so don’t be shy. Spend time engaging with the company’s social media posts to familiarize yourself with their culture and the employees who work there. Even if you aren’t ready to hit submit on applications, use this downtime to update your resume and LinkedIn profile. 

This could also be a great time of year to get volunteer experience on your resume. Volunteer work can be an important asset to your job search. It can be used to fill employment gaps, gain experience in a new industry, and network with people you wouldn’t have otherwise met. Who knows, your next job lead could come from a fellow volunteer at the installation holiday food drive or operation cookie drop. 

Depending on your job search needs, seasonal work might be a great fit. Even during a global pandemic, seasonal work is still an option. Think about all the deliveries, waste management, customer service, and IT professionals who fulfill our holiday needs. Temp agencies are also an area to consider because of the uptick in filling in for employees out on long vacations. These industries could be a great way for you to earn a paycheck, fill a resume gap, and even lead to full-time employment. 

Keep Moving Forward

Remember the importance of staying active in your job search, no matter the time of year. We all know how easy it is to say, “I’m going to start doing everything on January 1st that I’ve put off for the last two months.” Save yourself some trouble, and stick with it! 


So in other words, happy job searching to all, and to all a good write (your tailored resume, that is).  

Kyla is a Transition Specialist with the Serving Spouses Team at Hire Heroes USA. Her husband is active duty U.S. Army, so she understands the challenges and rewards of military life. She is an active member of the military community and volunteers her time to be involved in local family readiness efforts. Her career working with the military began at an Army Education Center in Germany. She then worked with the Army Career Skills Program and has since found her home with Hire Heroes USA. She has dedicated herself, personally and professionally, to supporting our service members and their families. She enjoys getting to know her clients individually to help them achieve their career goals and find meaningful work the same way she has. She has helped 250 veterans and military spouses find employment since joining Hire Heroes USA in 2019.


  • HHUSA Serving Spouses Program

    Hire Heroes USA's Serving Spouses Program, is an empowering career coaching initiative exclusively designed for military spouses. From bridging employment gaps to highlighting transferable skills, our team is here to support you every step of the way. We strive to connect you with a fellow military spouse on our team who has conquered these challenges firsthand. Don't navigate the job market alone! Join our community of resilient military spouses and unlock a world of free services at Eligible for active-duty spouses, reserve spouses, gold star spouses, and those whose service member has retired or separated from the military. Benefit from our personalized offerings, including professional mentorship, resume refinement, LinkedIn/networking guidance, interview preparation, access to workshops/webinars/events, federal resume assistance, virtual career fairs, targeted industry/job mentorship, and more. Discover the support you deserve by joining our Military Spouse Support Facebook Forum or the Serving Spouses LinkedIn Group. Together, we'll empower your career journey!

1 Comment

  1. Наталья

    Many job seekers take a break from job searching during the holidays. It’s a hectic time of year, and it can be a challenge to juggle getting ready for the holidays with keeping a job hunt moving forward. But, that may be a mistake. Contrary to what you might think, hiring doesn’t stop during the holiday season. Employers hire when they need new employees.


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