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Ready for Him to Go

I’m currently in an emotionally confusing time before my husband deploys. I want to soak up every moment with him and at the same time, I’m so ready for him to go.

It’s not that I don’t love him…go

I’ve just had enough of this stressful time. I want to get into the new routine I know I will need once he goes. But right now is just a tortuous waiting game.

Within one day, I go through a range of emotions from crying to being angry. You see if I pick a fight with my husband, then him leaving will be easier.

It’s simply a survival tactic.

We’ve been here before, so you would think I would be prepared for this. However, every deployment is different. Each time, we are at different stages in our lives, in our careers, etc.

So what I did to prepare for the last deployment, won’t necessarily help with this one. Plus I have actually done the most to prepare for this one. So you would think I’m ready…

But you would be oh so wrong.

I’m not ready to be a single parent again. Or to be the only one making decisions. Or to take on all the household chores and then some. go

However, I am ready to keep the house the way I like it without someone (other than my toddler) messing it up.

Or to be the only one deciding what to watch on Netflix.

Or to decide to take a random trip in the middle of the week if I want to.

Life is messy and hard. As humans we often feel two conflicting feelings at once. It’s learning how to handle those feelings that matters.

Have I handled these contradicting feelings well? Probably not my best moments – obviously picking a fight is not the answer. But my husband and I have done many of what we call “check-ins”. We know we love each other and that this too will pass.

So do I want him to go?

Not at all.

But am I ready for him to leave?




  • Annie Pearce

    Annie was born and raised outside of Pittsburgh, PA (Go Steelers and Penguins!). More than ten years ago, Annie met her husband Chris in Alexandria, VA, while he was assigned to The Old Guard, before being sent to Fort Bragg, NC. In March 2020, Annie and Chris moved with their 4-month-old son from Hohenfels, Germany, to Fort Drum, NY. They literally flew the day before the travel ban went into effect and got a house during the global pandemic—while NY realtors weren't allowed to show houses. Then two months later, Chris deployed. Any and all tips about surviving a deployment with a baby are more than welcome. Before moving to Drum, Annie owned her own event planning business—Attended. Her passion for events has led her to volunteer for non-profit organizations, including the AMA Triangle and Innovate Raleigh. Annie has served in multiple roles for large events including Event Director for Fail Fest Raleigh, Trade Show Manager for High Five Conference, and has managed multiple events for an economic development organization. Annie holds a Master of Science in Integrated Marketing Communication from Northwestern University and a Bachelor of Science in Integrated Marketing Communication from Ithaca College.

1 Comment

  1. Sharita Knobloch

    ALL THE FEELS HERE, because I GET IT. Those last lines: Lived it. Thanks for sharing this, Annie… Gonna resonate with so many military spouses.


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