Westgate Salutes Military Weekend

This past November, I learned about an incredible opportunity for military families, and immediately I wanted to shout from the rooftops about it.

Each Veterans Day, Westgate Resorts in Orlando gives away FREE vacations to 900 military families! It seemed too good to be true, so I took the time this past December, to head to Orlando and participate in the Westgate Salutes Military Weekend event, to see it for myself.

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The November Burn Out

In order to recognize a trend, it has to happen more than once. But how many times does it take to change a trend? I’m just now recognizing a trend that happens shortly after a PCS—the November Burn Out.

Typically, we PCS around summertime. We move into our new home, and our family slowly adjusts to new schedules, new routines, new norms. And I say “yes” to every opportunity to interact with new friends, in search of my next battle buddies.

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The Perfect Year

Close your eyes, and picture your perfect year with your husband.

Each of us will have different images in our heads. Maybe you’ll be traveling together, or maybe you’ll both be achieving career success. Maybe you’ll be spending time with your family, or maybe starting that new family. For the most part, your perfect year would include time together, right?

As I sat down to think about my relationship with my husband, I realized that this past year was literally what I would have imagined when I closed my eyes.

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We’re All in This Together: Back-to-school

If you’re not familiar with High School Musical, then you’ll need to watch this video to hear my mantra for this year.

We’re all in this together.

It’s such a simple phrase. Five little words. Written in the second person point-of-view, so no one is excluded. Stating that we are not alone. You can hear me singing it (almost daily) when trying to overcome life’s little battles, and this year has brought quite a few.

My current “battle” is the upcoming school year. Like so many other parents out there, I have been struggling with the changes this year will bring. Mainly because we chose to go virtual—and with four children under the age of 10, that will fall heavily on my shoulders.

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