Field Problem: Military Spouse Scholarships

Dear, Field Problems:

I’m desperately writing hoping you might have a clue about what to do. My sister, whose husband is in the military, just finished her first semester of school. Last semester she qualified for financial aid, and next semester she doesn’t, even though there is no way they can afford it. I am wondering if there are scholarships or grants targeted towards military spouses. She gets a partial scholarship from the school, and she’s really smart, but there is no way she can return in the fall if she doesn’t find help paying for it.  

Kristi; Fort Bragg, NC; Army spouse

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Field Problem: Career Conundrum

Dear, Field Problems:

My husband was recently brought back on active duty, so I have become a full-time military spouse. He will be continuing his training at Fort Bragg in a couple of weeks. Prior to my husband being called back to active duty, I worked as a teacher with a master’s degree. Now I am wondering what I can do to get a job on the installation, either teaching or otherwise. Whom would I contact for employment help at Fort Bragg? Also, what is your opinion—is it better to work on or off post? Any help you could pass along will be very helpful.

Emily; en route to Fort Bragg, NC; military spouse

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Field Problem: Support Group Revival 101

Dear, Field Problems:

I am a veteran, a spouse of an active duty soldier, and a mom of two children. I also work as a Soldier and Family Readiness Group Advisor at Fort Bragg. One of our “field problems” is how to revive our SFRG so that family members can get the support they need. We surveyed family members and found people really want the social aspect, not the learning aspect, which is surprising to me. How do we achieve both?

Kim; Fort Bragg, NC; Army spouse and veteran

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Field Problem: And Baby Makes Two (or Three)

Dear, Field Problems: 

I’m in a little bit of a different situation recently. I am the proud father of a new baby boy. His mother and I are not together. This is my first, and I’ve never had to address the meshing of my military career with family matters. What can you tell me that may stop my feeling that I’m going to compound my mistakes?

Andrew; Fort Gordon, GA; Army soldier of 10 years

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Field Problem: Helping Military Kids Cope

Dear, Field Problems:

I have a toddler boy; he is 2 years old and is having a hard time adjusting to Daddy not being home. The problem we are having is I am not sure how to get him to understand (he is acting out) and what I can read to him that will help him understand. You recently came up with a list of books for a 5-year-old, but I wasn’t sure if they were age appropriate with a language that my son will understand.

Any chance you can suggest books that are easily understood by toddlers and can help them deal with deployments? Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Danielle; NWS Charleston, SC; Active Duty Navy spouse and veteran

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