The Journey Ahead: Focusing On Health

Happy 2019! I hope you’re having a great start to this new year. And my, oh my, how quickly this first month of the year is already going. In my last post, I talked about some of the changes I’m going through. I have started my journey to a better self and better health and have met some challenges along the way. I was at my heaviest weight around October of last year. Since then, some things have come to my attention that I believe are related to that.

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The Journey Ahead

This year has had many changes and challenges, and I never anticipated the journey ahead.

I had my second baby, and along with that came extra weight. I was lucky enough not to go through postpartum depression again, but with the ever-changing daily life and adjustment to having two small children, I wasn’t eating well and used food for stress relief, because, well…. being a stay-at-home parent, my options for stress relief are limited.

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Vacation All I Ever Wanted

If you’re anything like us, you often spend what extra leave time you might have visiting family. And, if you’re anything like us, you might have come to realize that pretty much all the leave your partner takes turns into”‘vacations” visiting your family.

Since my husband and I have the majority of our family within driving radius, we spend all our leave time, and now four-day vacations, visiting.

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Changes and Challenges

When I think about what the future holds, the only phrase that comes to mind at the moment is Warrant School.

My husband has been planning to apply to become a warrant officer, and this year, he finally put in a packet to hopefully become part of the selection process. I’m partially excited, since he’s been talking about doing this for years now, but also partially terrified.

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