A Brief Exchange; A Deep Connection

Today, my sons and I went to the airport. My oldest was flying out to visit with family for a month. As we parked in the airport parking lot, we all noticed a soldier and his family. My sons were captivated.

“Look a soldier!” my 8 year old shouted.

“He looks like Dad!” my 10 year old added.

“Daddy!” my 2 year old cried.

“I bet he is on leave,” my 16 year old said.

We’re stationed at Fort Stewart. We see soldiers in and around post almost daily. Still, though, it is never “old hat” to my boys.

Whenever we’re out, they always notice soldiers and seem to gravitate toward them. Not surprisingly, I’ve noticed this even more since my husband’s been in Iraq. Truthfully, I notice more, too. Just like today, I noticed the soldier placing his bags in the back of his POV.

My attention, though, was drawn to his wife. As he was busy loading up his bags , she was standing by the truck looking up at the sky. (I know this trick—it keeps the tears from falling.) I walked over and asked her if he was on leave.

She said yes and started to cry and laugh at the same time. I told her my husband’s R&R is next month. We hugged. I wiped her tears. I wished both of them a wonderful time together. Then they went their way, and we went ours.

My son asked if I knew her or if she was a friend of mine. I told him that, although I had never met her before, I knew her.

She was now not only a friend of mine but a sister.

In our brief exchange we shared joy, relief, and hope. That’s what is so wonderful about being with someone who is walking in your shoes—you understand each other. You get it.

It reminded me of what we have here at Army Wife Network, and it made me proud to be a part of this organization.

Some of us have service members deployed. Some service members are stateside or even retired. Some of you are the parents of service members. The common thread among each and every one of us is that we love our service member.

That love for our service member defines us.

That is why we move (a lot). It’s also why we pray, hope, cry, wait, and stand tall. I may be a lot of things, but above all I am a military spouse. I am his soft place to land when he needs to rest from his realities. I am his love, his strength, his reason, just as he is mine. I know that you understand me.

And I get it. I get you. We get each other. Although all of us are or will be going down some rough roads, the ride is a little less scary when you have friends.

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Retired Blogger

Retired Blogger

Army Wife Network is blessed with many military spouses who share their journey through writing in our Experience blog category. As we PCS in our military journey, bloggers too sometimes move on. Their content and contributions are still valued and resourceful. Those posts are reassigned under "Retired Bloggers" in order to allow them to remain available as content for our AWN fans.

5 thoughts on “A Brief Exchange; A Deep Connection

  • June 12, 2007 at 9:04 pm

    You made me cry! My daughter goes crazy when we see soldiers when we’re out. We live in Oregon so it’s not like we can go on post and get of fill of soldiers/ACUs. Audrey is a very social 3 year old and always has to tell soldiers in uniform that her daddy is a soldier too! It is so wonderful that you gave our sister a hug of strength, courage, compassion, and understanding! Thank you!

  • June 12, 2007 at 9:04 pm

    You made me cry! My daughter goes crazy when we see soldiers when we’re out. We live in Oregon so it’s not like we can go on post and get of fill of soldiers/ACUs. Audrey is a very social 3 year old and always has to tell soldiers in uniform that her daddy is a soldier too! It is so wonderful that you gave our sister a hug of strength, courage, compassion, and understanding! Thank you!

  • June 14, 2007 at 4:29 am

    Great Blog Heather – you brought a tear to my eye, and I can totally relate. I’m going to be flying soon with my daughter, and I’m kinda dreading going to the airport – cuz I know if I see soldiers coming or going, I’m gonna fall apart. I hope you have an incredible time with your husband when he’s on R&R – I can’t wait until mine is! Take Care hun.

  • June 15, 2007 at 4:49 am

    Not as surprise ..I COMPLETELY relate. My favorite part is the different responses by the different ages of the kids. My daughter takes 2 seconds to point out a soldier, and she can tell you DETAILS about them. I can’t blame her, so can I. Something about the camo makes you want to hug them. I wonder if they know this? I wonder if I would get arrested if I did? LOL! Great post. Hey also….it’s ya’ll! LOL I swore I would NEVER say it then I moved to TX and well…it was over. In MO we said “You Guys” and so I had to lose that for “Ya’ll”.


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