Investing in our Military Kids

With April right around the corner, my community has an amazing team working to make sure that the Month of the Military Child will be off the chain for our military kids. From a school ceremony on Purple Up Day (possibly with special guest, South Carolina’s Governor), to a military children’s author reading at our local Books on Broad bookstore and Camden Public Library, to the Camden City Council honoring our military children at their meeting while reading a signed proclamation supporting Month of the Military Child, to Camden Elementary’s entire school community participating in a Spirit Week leading up to Purple Up Day—I’d say the time, energy, and investment of love in highlighting our military children will be a month to remember.

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SFRGs to the Rescue

I tend to write a lot about leadership. Maybe it’s because it’s in my DNA? Or maybe because I’m extremely fascinated by the intricacies of effective and non-effective leadership. But, my gut tells me that it is because I am genuinely invested in the growth and development of leaders, especially among our military spouse network.

About half of the family programs that I’ve been exposed to in the Army for the past 15 years have been volunteer-led. ACS (Army Community Service), Soldier and Family Programs, and a slew of other beautiful resources the Army provides are on the chopping block as they are not being used.

One organization that I’ve always been actively involved in is the Soldier and Family Readiness Group, now known as SFRGs, but formerly referred to as Family Readiness Groups, or FRGs.

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Investing in Military Families

Happy 2020, AWN readers! I hope the Holiday Season found you in good spirits. I also hope that the season showered you with many blessings and that you were able to spend time with the ones that support and value the most wonderful you.

I’m super pumped about 2020, the newness that is in the briskness of the air. The plans that I have in store for myself and for my family are coasting me into this New Year with hope for an even brighter future.

I’m going to be a student again. Say what?! Growing up (during adolescence), I detested school. I didn’t enjoy studying, and I didn’t like feeling inadequate because school was hard for me. To this day, if something doesn’t come fairly easy, I kind of check out.

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Effective Leadership: The Art of Mentoring

If you were able to apply any of the previous information to your current leadership role, we encourage you to take your leadership abilities one step further and explore the art of mentorship.

A mentor is a trusted person who advises and serves as a role model in a specific field of expertise. The purpose of a mentor is to develop, encourage, and allow the mentee to achieve their goals with their mentor’s support.

Have you ever been given the opportunity to be mentored? If so, think back to how the relationship began. Did you grow and bloom as an individual with your mentor’s guidance?

I’ve had several mentors throughout my life—professional mentors and life mentors.

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Effective Leadership: The Leader and Follower Relationship

If you enjoyed last month’s post, you’ll be able to pick up right where you left off as we focus on the relationship between the leader and the follower.

If you were able to evaluate whether or not you have the right stuff to lead, one of the most defining tell-tale signs of your leadership effectiveness is if you have followers.

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Effective Leadership: Do You Have the Right Stuff?

You asked for it, so here you go, leaders!

Being a leader is no joke and definitely not for the faint of heart, so I challenge you to read on and be conscious, cognizant, and self-aware with an open-mind if you have the right stuff to lead.

Are you currently serving in a leadership role, position, or thinking about stepping up to do so?

Do you have a formula, method, or series of questions that need solid answers before you make the committed decision to lead or do you automatically jump right in and hope you figure it out along the way?

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10 Ways to Support Your Child with a Learning Disability

I have a child with a learning disability.

He has struggled academically and socially to “keep up” with his peers and grade level since Pre-K. As we begin his 4th grade experience in a new school, in a different state, with a number of changes (to include deployment in the mix), I need to gather my thoughts and streamline my efforts that will set him up for success this year.

Let’s do this.

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A PCS Must Do: Stay Connected

We are currently transitioning at my parents’ home in Kentucky between PCS moves from Michigan to South Carolina. All six of us (husband, four boys, and I) packed what we needed for a four-week stint between moves as we await our household goods delivery the first week of July.

We have been here for almost three weeks to date and have had the luxury of spending time with family and neighbors since the day we drove up the long gravel driveway.

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