With a New Year, Comes New HOPE

It’s finally 2021, and I think I can speak for everyone when I say we are glad 2020 is in the rearview mirror.

Just because the year has changed, though, does not mean the trying circumstances of the past year have relented. Last year brought unprecedented hardships across all walks of life, and those challenges to our health, economy, and way of life will persist for the foreseeable future.

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USO Hosts Virtual Workshops to Help Military Spouses Reach New Year Goals

What do you want to achieve in the new year? Are you looking for a new career? For inspiration? For peace of mind?

After an unprecedented and challenging year, we are all looking for positivity in 2021. At the USO, a nonprofit organization supporting service members and military families for almost 80 years, we want to help military spouses embrace the change and hope of a new year. Through a series of virtual events, we can help military spouses focus on their dreams while staying safe during the ongoing pandemic. 

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How Do I Approach Employment Gaps on My Resume?

It’s that time again. Your service member received orders for another PCS, and on the neverending to-do list that accompanies the move is “find a new job.” You feel the dread and the flood of worry about having yet another gap on your resume. 

I must have PCS on the brain because my family’s next relocation is just a few months around the corner. Thankfully, I can take my laptop and my job with me this time, but I’ve been in that uncertain situation before. It can be daunting to face job searching as a military spouse when we relocate so often. 

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Should I Still Job Search During the Holidays?

‘Twas the night before your job search, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, just your computer mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, and companies are still hiring, so do not despair. The resumes weren’t generic but tailored instead, while visions of your dream job danced in your head. 

And you in your blazer, and I in my slacks, we had just settled in after our Zoom meeting chat.  

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Homeschool Hacks

Needless to say, the last few months have been full of a lot of crazy unknowns about school and how it’s all going to go down..

Some states are going full time in-person, some states are opting for all distance learning, and some states are doing a hybrid of the two. Heck, some states (like mine) are still having 4-hour parent/teacher conferences trying to figure out what the heck they’re going to do! I’m hoping this blog post might offer a tiny bit of hope and information in what might seem like a hopeless situation.

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We’re All in This Together: Back-to-school

If you’re not familiar with High School Musical, then you’ll need to watch this video to hear my mantra for this year.

We’re all in this together.

It’s such a simple phrase. Five little words. Written in the second person point-of-view, so no one is excluded. Stating that we are not alone. You can hear me singing it (almost daily) when trying to overcome life’s little battles, and this year has brought quite a few.

My current “battle” is the upcoming school year. Like so many other parents out there, I have been struggling with the changes this year will bring. Mainly because we chose to go virtual—and with four children under the age of 10, that will fall heavily on my shoulders.

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Dear Mrs. Employment Gap: I’m Rejoining the Workforce

Dear Mrs. Employment Gap:

Please accept this memo as notice of my resignation. I am no longer able to fulfill my duties as an uprooted professional.

During my time of service, I have gained much needed rest, downtime, and awareness. I’ve had the opportunity to further my skills of both patience and indifference. Thank you for your overall reprieve, which has led me to my greatest level of unaccountability in recent months.

While I appreciate this learning experience, I am happy to inform you that I must be moving on. At present, I have the wonderful opportunity of rejoining the workforce and am eager to accept my new daily habits, purpose, and routine.

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Military Spouse Entrepreneurship

Last year, I attended a conference in Austin, Texas, that centered on military spouse employment. I discovered that unlike the national unemployment rates of 3-4%, military spouse unemployment was at around 24% (pre-Covid-19 statistics).

Fortunately, the room was filled with bright minds and outside-the-box thinkers that were working hard to find solutions to this problem. I was intrigued by the percentages they shared and concerned about the room filled with women and men that had advanced degrees but could not find a comparable job.

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