Milspouse Life, A Better Me

Like many spouses of military servicemen and women, I get caught up in all the reasons why it is not fun to be a military spouse. From deployments, having to spend thousands on hidden costs like the new pinks and greens uniforms and PCS season where essentially everything you own is scooped up into a giant washing machine. And, like a washing machine, everything gets tumbled around, sometimes things are destroyed, and sometimes things are lost (like that one sock).

But while out for a run the other morning at our new duty station, Fort Lee in Virginia, I had time to think about the positive changes military life has brought to me.

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What I WILL Miss About Germany

As I near the end of my time living in Germany while my wife serves in the United States Army, this is Part II of a three-part series, examining my thoughts and feelings as I prepare to head back to America and leave Germany behind. Part I examined what I will not miss about Germany and can be found here. Part II, below, examines what I will miss about Germany. Part III examines what I’ve learned during my time in Germany.

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When Living Overseas is Difficult

I always say that it’s worth taking a shot on an OCONUS PCS. Living overseas in a new place can be exciting with plenty of things to see and do.

But it can also feel isolated, scary, and too new for comfort.

I spent three years overseas in Germany, living in a very small German village, so I feel I have a little bit of perspective on this. I didn’t live on post. I was in a set of six row homes, all of whom were Americans, but we were surrounded by Germans.

It. Was. Hard.

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So You’re Moving Overseas…

If you’ve received overseas orders, your mind is probably going in about five different directions.

You’re realizing you’re moving far away. Across an ocean.

You’re realizing it’s an unfamiliar place. Like, really unfamiliar.

You’re thinking of all the steps it takes to get moving. So. Many. Steps. 

And you’re likely afraid of the unknown. Because, who isn’t?

But I’m here to tell you one simple thing: Don’t be afraid.

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Celebrating Volkstrauertag as an American Living in Germany

Living overseas offers plenty of new opportunities for Americans: food, traditions, cultural events, and more. It’s probably the best part about the experience and why I urge people to accept an OCONUS posting if one is offered.

During my first year living in Bavaria, a heavily Catholic state in Germany, I learned about the various Catholic holidays that don’t carry as much weight in the United States. I celebrated my first Fasching, the German version of Carnival or Mardi Gras, complete with a parade prior to the lenten season. I’ve attended my fair share of Volksfests and other fests popular in Germany.

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26 OCONUS Experiences You Might Miss

Living at an OCONUS duty station is probably one of the most exciting parts of being a military family. Not everyone gets the chance, but if you ever do, seize that opportunity with both hands, even if it scares you.

There are so many wonderful things to experience, from the extensive history, to food, to traditions, and more. If you’ve ever lived at an OCONUS location, then you may know how easy it is to leave a part of yourself there.

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25 Things to Love About America

When living overseas, it’s very easy to quickly begin missing certain things about the good ol’ US of A. It’s not that other countries necessarily “get it wrong,” but rather that it’s different from what Americans are used to. Over time, we adjust to the host nation’s culture, and it becomes our new normal.

But really, we still kind of miss certain things.

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