Running Down Your Dreams, One Step at a Time

Kevin Boyle grasped running from a young age to make it a part of his lifestyle. As you read about Kevin, think of the words determination, commitment, self-confidence, and hard work. As you journey through life, you’ll face obstacles, like work and family challenges. Imagine Kevin running on the track and a hurdle appears. He has the choice was to take the hurdle or go home. It’s never too late to manage your challenges and obstacles. It is time to running down your dreams.

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The Uncivil Civil War: Brothers in Arms

Percival Drayton, captain of the USS Pocahontas, was saddened that not only had the country become so divided, but this divisiveness made its way down to his family unit. His older brother, Thomas, loyal to his native region of the south, took up arms against Percy’s formidable northern charge for freedom for all. Although the brothers met as enemies at Port Royal, November 1861, they both survived the battle.

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Finding HOPE: “The Sea Brought Us Back”

When Cameron Albin was in the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in the fall of 2012, the former Marine Corps infantry officer admits that he “was not a very good human being.”

There were the struggles with recovery from a traumatic brain injury and PTSD which led to a medical discharge from the Marines a year earlier after a long stay at Walter Reed.

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Military Families Navigate Career Changes, Homebuying, More with USO

For military spouses, life is often full of changes. Moving across the country and around the world. Adapting to new communities and career challenges. Parenting children while your service member is deployed. 

Fortunately, military spouses don’t have to navigate military life all on their own. As a military service nonprofit, the USO has supported service members and their families for more than 80 years.

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6 Ways Jumpstart Your Career After a PCS

Two of the greatest struggles military spouses have during a PCS are finding a productive work life and connecting with friends in their new communities, especially over the last 12 to 14 months. But, have you noticed the lines between networking for work and meeting new friends have blurred thanks to Zoom, Clubhouse, LinkedIn, and other telework and social platforms? 

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