The Mighty Military Spouse

As we just celebrated the mother of all American holidays, I can’t help but feel a sense of pride in being a military spouse, especially an Army one! My pride in this fact does not always manifest itself in an over-the-top “We can do it” mantra (but in all honesty, I have flexed my bicep during a few solo PCS moves and deployments). I don’t always feel like a mighty military spouse. 

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Positive Footprints

We all want to leave positive footprints for our children to follow in, something they can carry forward with them in life. One footprint that seems to run through our military families is volunteering. Where there is a parent who volunteers, there tends to be a child who’s either in tow or volunteers themselves.

In a normal year, military installations will submit hundreds of thousands of volunteer hours. There are Volunteer of the Month, Quarter, and Year, and Service Member awards. Behind all of that, there are hours that are never submitted or recognized, but our children see them.

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5 Unconventional Ways to Give Back

The season of giving is upon on, and this time of year tends to hit military families harder, especially if our service members won’t be around to celebrate with us. But for many Americans, this season is yet another reminder of everything they aren’t able to have, whether that be food on the table, gifts for their children, or a roof over their heads. This is, however, a time for us to be thankful for all that the military helps provides for our families and think about giving back to the communities we’re living among, at home and abroad, because the holidays are more about your presence than the presents.

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