Why Me?

It’s been almost four years since I was diagnosed with cancer for the first time. It can lead one to ask, “Why me?”

A second cancer diagnosis can lead some to ask, "Why me?"

On Sept. 17, 2010, I was shocked to hear the doctor say, “It’s cancer.” I thought that he must be mistaken. I had followed the “rules” to not get breast cancer. I breastfed both of my children.  I was active and maintained a healthy weight. I had no family history of breast cancer. I don’t smoke and very rarely have a drink of alcohol. I don’t carry the gene for breast cancer, and I was only 32 at the time.

Didn’t cancer know that there were rules for who could get cancer?

After I was diagnosed, we had many questions.

How did this happen to me? People have asked me many times if I ever questioned why this happened to me. Maybe, on a scientific level, I did question how I could have cancer but not on a spiritual level. I didn’t feel like I was “given” cancer as some sort of test of my strength.

Sometimes, bad things just happen.

I will never understand cancer fully. Even now that I have been diagnosed for a second time, I still don’t fully understand cancer. What I question more, though, is how did I get so lucky?

Why me?

Why was I blessed with such a great medical team of doctors and nurses, who are so kind and gentle?


Why was I blessed with a family who strengthens me when I am at my weakest points?


Why was I blessed with a husband who still calls me beautiful despite my many scars and bald head?

Why was I blessed with parents who drive to be by my side every time I was sick and needed help, no matter what time of day or night?

Why was I blessed with a mother who made sure that I was never alone when I was scared?


Why was I blessed with a sister who walks with me at every cancer charity walk despite her being a single mother and struggling with her own needs?


Why was I blessed with kids who are so loving and brave?


Why was I blessed with great medical insurance?

Why was I blessed with such great co-workers who cover for me every time that I have to miss work?

Team 9-17 picture

Why was I blessed with great employers who always support me when I have to take time off work for treatments?

Why was I blessed with great friends and neighbors, who watch our kids so my husband can go with me to every treatment, doctor appointment, and hospital stay?

team marily ribbon

Why was I blessed with great friends who help me clean my house when I am sick?

Why was I blessed with friends, co-workers, and neighbors who bring meals to our family?

Why was I blessed with friends far and wide who send me messages of love and support?


Why am I surviving this when so many others don’t?

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Why am I so lucky to be able to help others who are battling cancer?

Why was I blessed with being able to share my story?


I couldn’t make it through these cancer battles without each and every person who has helped and supported our family. For that, I am eternally grateful.

I will never understand cancer fully nor will I ever give cancer any credit for anything good in my life. The people in my life, they are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I don’t really care why I got cancer. But, when it comes to all of the love and support that I have in my life, I do have to ask:  How did I get so lucky? Why me?

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Retired Blogger

Retired Blogger

Army Wife Network is blessed with many military spouses who share their journey through writing in our Experience blog category. As we PCS in our military journey, bloggers too sometimes move on. Their content and contributions are still valued and resourceful. Those posts are reassigned under "Retired Bloggers" in order to allow them to remain available as content for our AWN fans.

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