11 Self Care Ideas for Military Spouses (When Everyone’s at Home!)

By Danielle Keech for MilitaryByOwner Advertising, Inc. 


Self-care doesn’t always come easy for military spouses. We tend to put other people’s needs above our own, rarely taking the time to do what refuels us. Say goodbye to that, though, because the days of neglecting self-care are gone. Now, more than ever, we need to take care of us. Yes, others too, but also ourselves.


COVID times are hard. Military spouse life is hard. Solo-parenting? Also hard. And if we’re going to conquer these crazy times, then we’d better practice a little self-care.

But how?

Lucky for you, I have few self-care ideas to share that not only work while your stressors (kids, spouses, work, yadda, yadda) are all under the same roof with you, but also include them! 

Here are 11 self care ideas for milspouses:

1. Deep clean. 

I don’t have to tell you which area of your house could use a little extra attention. Most of us have that room where we stow the stuff that we’re just not sure what to do with. Now’s the time to tackle it. And chances are, after you get started there, you’ll likely find that each part of your home houses things that no longer belong. Take this time to purge, clean, and refresh your house. 

2. Reignite old passions. 

There’s a lot of pressure to find something new to enjoy, so don’t. Instead, think back on activities, music, or books that brought you joy years ago. If you used to play golf in high school, head to the driving range and see if you still have what it takes! 

3. Pick up a book. 

There might not be a better way to leave your stress behind than by diving into a good book for a few minutes. Not sure what to read? Don’t worry; you’ll find lots of book lists for you to work through: 

14 Books to Add to Your 2020 Reading List 

The Ultimate Summer Reading List for Military Spouses 

30 Books Everyone Should Read At Least Once in Their Lives

7 Back-to-School Books to Help You Enjoy the Silence

4. Have a dance party. 

Turn up that old ’80s or ’90s playlist and transform your living room into a family-wide rave! Have fun as you share a bit of your past with the kids and dance the stress away while the kids come up with silly moves. 

5. Snack on stress-reducing foods. 

Did you know that there are foods proven to reduce stress? Everyday Health shares that avocados, dark chocolate, fish, and fruits high in vitamin C are all among the types of food built to help reduce stress. 

6. Focus on your breathing. 

How many times do you stop to take a deep breath a day? Most smartwatches these days prompt it, but do you do it? By yourself or as a family, stop and breathe. That’s it. Feel your body relax, and everyone’s emotions turn rational again. 

7. Turn on your listening ears. 

While most of us want alone time (What is that, anyway?), sitting down to listen to our spouse talk about their day or the kids explain their latest interest, pretend game, or toy, helps us be more present in the moment. Even if you have a toddler who can barely get the thought across because they’re so excited to share, the one-on-one focus not only helps you shut down all the other thoughts running rampant in your mind, but they help the other party feel heard and important. 

8. Say a mini farewell to social media. 

Social media is hard on an average day. But these days aren’t average. The comparison game, the pressure, and the noise is so much louder now than it’s ever been. So turn social off. Set your phone down for as long as you can. Mute notifications or delete the apps entirely. 

9. Pick up an adult coloring book. 

While the kids sit down to do schoolwork, or after they go to bed and you’re rewatching The Office or Friends (no judgment), pick up an adult coloring book and enjoy channeling your efforts into something a little more mindless, than say, solving the world’s problems. 

10. Take a long bath.

Hide in the tub for a bit. Add your favorite bath bomb or some coconut milk, light a candle, and soak the stress away in a hot bath. 

11. Go to bed early.  

Proper sleep does so much for our mental health and energy. If sleeping in isn’t an option, whether you have an unforgivable internal clock or the kids have you up early every day, climb into bed a little earlier in the evening. And if you can swing it, take a nap! 


If there’s one thing that we’ve learned about self-care, it’s that it doesn’t have to look glamorous. Most of the time, it in’t. But often, it’s the everyday things like decluttering, turning off the phone, or walking down memory lane that provide the most rewarding mental reset and leave us feeling refreshed for the next day. 

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MilitaryByOwner Advertising Inc

MilitaryByOwner Advertising Inc

Advertising Homes for Sale or Rent Near US Military Bases In 1999, the owners of MilitaryByOwner Advertising, Inc, David, (USMC,Ret.) and Sharon Gran, were stationed in Germany faced with a move back to the states. This move triggered the idea of linking relocating military families. In 2000, MilitaryByOwner was launched. Our website offers advertisements of homes for sale or rent near US military bases. Our home advertisers connect with other families in need of living near a military base. Our business advertisers provide valuable resources to help make a PCS move a smooth one. We strive to provide superior customer service by being available for questions through our live chat online, email and office hours. The majority of our staff is either military spouses or dependents who can relate to the joy and stress of a military move. Don’t hesitate to contact us by phone, email or live chat! Office: 866-604-9126 9am-5pm EST Email Live Chat 9am-9pm EST Check out MilitaryByOwner here and on Facebook.

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