Deployment Rules

As I write this my son woke up at 3 am and is now refusing to go back to sleep. Of course, I planned on driving to a waterpark today, so why wouldn’t he wake up early? To handle this, I brought him into my bed and put the TV on because “Deployment Rules”.

It’s been over two months since my husband, Chris, deployed and I’ve entered what I like to call “Deployment Rules”. No, I’m not saying deployment is awesome. I’m saying, I now give myself leeway when we have a tough day, which is more often than I care to admit.

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Ready for Him to Go

I’m currently in an emotionally confusing time before my husband deploys. I want to soak up every moment with him and at the same time I’m so ready for him to go. It’s not that I don’t love him…

I’ve just had enough of this stressful time. I want to get into the new routine I know I will need once he goes. But right now is just a tortuous waiting game.

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So You’re an SFRG Advisor…

If you’re new to the SFRG Advisor position, welcome! It’s gonna be a wild and crazy ride. But one that hopefully brings families, spouses, and soldiers closer together.

I’m still new to this position, not even a year yet. But I have already gotten some great advice from other SFRG advisors. This advice has helped me greatly. Hopefully, these can help you as well.

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It’s the Not Knowing

Lists get made and memories are created. And time is counted down. But it’s the not knowing that’s an invisible guest in your house.

Tears are shed. Promises are made and dreams are discussed. But it’s the not knowing that takes a toll.

Bags get packed and goodbyes get said. And flights take off. But it’s the not knowing that messes with your head.

Not knowing if he’ll be safe. Not knowing the area he’ll be spending so much time in. Not knowing what’s going on because the news terrifies you.

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Managing Expectations

Have you ever asked your significant other for help? Did it help? Or did you both just end up frustrated? You have to think about managing expectations even when asking for help.

For most people in that situation, you both end up frustrated because your significant other thinks, “well, I helped” and you think “you didn’t do enough”. If by chance you are most people, then the issue may have been communication. One person’s definition of help is not the same as someone else’s definition. The solution is to explain it…

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I’ve Got News

We got together and took a vote—the words “I’ve got news” are out. Okay, we didn’t really get together and vote. But if there was a milspouse convention (by the way, there are multiple conferences), I would be willing to bet this would be the vote, and I’m not a betting person.

What if instead of these words, you planned a nice night for us to spend together. A nice dinner, maybe a movie, a lovely bath—whatever it is that relaxes your spouse. During this wonderful evening you can gently break the news to us as we create memories that’ll help get us through whatever is coming next.

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