Food For Thought

When was the last time you truly connected with yourself? When was the last time you took a few moments to remember what makes you, you? We as humans need to take time (even if it’s just five minutes) to connect with our souls and remember what makes us genuine and unique. It’s a little bit of food for thought for all of us because it’s hard to focus on that part of ourselves at times when we’re wrapped up in so many other things and/or focusing our energy somewhere else.

In terms of myself, I felt as if I got “lost” in a sense. I’ve always focused my energy and time on everything else other than myself, and I would grow sad or go into a full autopilot mode.

It wasn’t until I was half-listening to a YouTube video about self care that I realized I haven’t connected with myself in a long time.

At first, I didn’t want to because it made me feel selfish, or worse, I’d discover I was boring. One day after lunch during my kids’ nap time, I decided to take five to ten minutes to think—I mean really think—about myself. I went through the mental list of my likes, dislikes, and interests.

I came to the realization I stopped doing a lot of the things I liked to do because I didn’t want to be ostracized for my interests.

I also started to remember the goals I had when I was younger. My most important (and only) goal was authenticity. The more I sat and thought, the more I realized that was the biggest part I lost about myself.

I began to ask myself questions…

Why and when had I decided to blend in?

What caused this way of thinking?

What can I do to return to that part of myself?

In my thinking, I discovered that I did it because of a fear of rejection.

As an adult, I’ve noticed that other adults can be mean and often don’t like things (or even people) who are different than they are or what they’re accustomed. It’s ironic that uniqueness is praised but only so far. It makes me wonder if people ever really grow out of the I-don’t-like-change-or-different mentality they had as children.

I fear that my most authentic self won’t be what anyone would want to keep around or even befriend. The thought used to bother me so much that I’d overdo it to fit in and seem normal. It would even keep me up some nights or make me so sad that I’d shut down or avoid anything and everyone that could pass harsh judgment.

I realize how silly that was.

Why should anyone (myself included) care about what others think?

Why should we have to change ourselves to make others like us, so we aren’t lonely or to keep friends around? You should never have to change who you are for someone to like or even love you. Why not be your most authentic and wonderful self?

There’s nothing wrong with being you and doing what makes you happy, even if it’s something small, like ordering your favorite snack on a Wednesday.

Being your best self and shining your light is never a terrible thing. Don’t live life afraid of how others will judge you. If you have the time, take a few moments to reconnect with yourself and remember the things that make you happy and breathe a little easier with each passing day.

It’s food for though that you’ll thank yourself for.

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Anastassia Kennedy

Anastassia Kennedy

Anastassia is originally from North Carolina, born and raised in Fort Bragg. She is a military child turned spouse, so the Army has been a part of who she is for her entire life. She and her husband have been married for six years and have two boys (2 and 5 years old) and are currently stationed in Washington, Illinois (for now at least). She is hoping her next assignment will take her back down South next because she does not enjoy snow filled winters! She is a stay at home mom with a knack for Crocheting (she actually turned her hobby into a side job- how cool is that?) She also enjoys yoga, podcasts, reading, thrifting, and exploring cities and villages. Most of her exploring various places is food related as she loves trying new foods (and finding cool tea rooms) so she can broaden her pallet. Not to mention, you always meet the nicest people in restaurants and bakeries! Anastassia is a fun-loving person who is always ready at a moment's notice to enjoy life, have fun, and make new friends.

One thought on “Food For Thought

  • Sharita Knobloch
    November 4, 2021 at 7:43 pm

    Virtual hugs, Anastassia! This post landed on me today– well done!


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