I’m the Luckiest Woman Alive

Exactly two weeks ago today, I was frantically fixing my hair, worried about shaving my legs for the first time in weeks, making sure our house was perfect, cleaning the van, packing the van, and hanging signs at 10 a.m.

Less than two hours later, our service member would return home!

It’s crazy. I started to think yesterday that, if he were home on R&R, he would be heading back in just four days. Boy, am I glad he’s not on leave!

It’s funny how easily he fit back into our lives and our schedule adjusted. It’s been wonderful to have someone here to help with the kids, mow the grass, take out the trash, etc.

I have to say though, (at the risk of sounding complain-y—and trust me, I’m not!) sharing my bed with two large dogs and now another large human (and losing “my side” of the bed) has not been my idea of a perfect sleep solution.

While it’s been spectacular to share moments like snuggling on the bed, laughing at stupid jokes, playing with the pups, walking around our neighborhood as a family (finally not having to tote two kids and two dogs by myself!), and eating dinners that are more than a SmartOnes,  reintegration is challenging.

Wren has figured out how to ask Mama for certain things and Daddy for others.

The “food” battle has begun at night (she is not a good eater).

He doesn’t realize that she has aged more than a year since he’s left and is almost 7. That’s a big difference from the five year old he left behind. She is able to do a lot more than we let her do when he left, like play with her friends outside without us being there (don’t worry, we have limits!).

Chloe took at least a week to like her Daddy. She mostly screamed for the first week, especially when he fed her. She’s getting better, but she still reaches for Mama.

He is an extremely motivated individual, as am I, and we have done so much work around the house. Alas, we do not know how to relax and I am exhausted. We’ve cleaned out the attic, the garage, every room in the house, and we have the Mecca of all garage sales going on this Saturday!

Whew…it is tiring!

Sleeping with another person in the bed is challenging, especially since I had to move to the other side of the bed.

I’ve never seen so much camo in my laundry.

There are trunks and boxes and electronic equipment everywhere.

I’m not used to a male being around and the things that go along with that like toilet-cleaning, coffee-making, and odd food in my fridge.

I have majorly noticed that my weekly indulgence in The Bachelor, The Biggest Loser, and American Idol are being replaced by The History Channel, The Military Channel, and Fox News (good thing we have two TVs).

But—and yes, I said but—it’s the little silly things, like being able to “expect” someone home at the end of the day.

Realizing you are not alone and that you forgot to even check if the doors were locked because you feel safe.

Days like last Monday when I was getting mulch at Lowe’s and realized, not only did I not have to drive the truck, but I didn’t have to find someone to load the mulch for me. It only took thirty minutes versus the two hours it would have taken me to make that trip on my own.

Or even last Wednesday night when Chloe was up at 3 a.m. only to be followed by Wren getting up at 3:30 to throw up all over our floor and sleep in the bathroom next to the toilet.

Those things just make me say to myself, who cares about the lack of sleep, challenging parenting, or sore feet and hands from the attic work? Who cares?

I have my hubby home.

I have my best friend.

I can laugh, cry, and I have someone there to help me raise our family.

And give me a hug.

I am the luckiest woman alive!

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Retired Blogger

Retired Blogger

Army Wife Network is blessed with many military spouses who share their journey through writing in our Experience blog category. As we PCS in our military journey, bloggers too sometimes move on. Their content and contributions are still valued and resourceful. Those posts are reassigned under "Retired Bloggers" in order to allow them to remain available as content for our AWN fans.

4 thoughts on “I’m the Luckiest Woman Alive

  • April 21, 2008 at 7:46 pm

    Tara we have mirroring lives! We’ve done the exact same since my hubby has been home! Sharing the bed of course has been the least favorite…he rolls on top of me LOL. But we’ve done sooo much house work and we too are going to particpate in the HUGE yard sale this weekend! Maybe we’ll see you there 🙂

  • April 22, 2008 at 2:09 am

    You have a way with words, Tara! What a great post! I’m so glad your DH is home!

  • April 23, 2008 at 2:28 pm

    Tara, this post brought tears to my eyes, because I know the exact feelings. It is so strange how we “can’t live” without our hubbies, but somehow manage to “hold down the fort” while they are gone.I remember the first time after my hubby got home that I didn’t have to empty the garbage, take out the dog, or tote the groceries in. Such small things, but when added to a hectic day of work, school and other such things, becomes quite the task to tackle.I am SOOO happy for you that your hubby is home and that your kids have daddy back 🙂Michal


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