Recognizing and Reporting Cyberbullying

October is traditionally a month where people turn their attention to frightening stories or horrifying images as they anticipate Halloween. While goblins and ghouls parade around town, it’s important to take a look at one of the real horrors plaguing our sons and daughters. No, it isn’t make believe tales of witch doctors or vampires, it’s the prevalence of bullying (and cyberbullying) among our youth, which has led to the designation of October as National Bullying Prevention Month.

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How to Understand and Maintain Your Credit

You’ve likely heard how important credit is when borrowing funds for a large purchase. It helps to think of it like this: They are a package deal, like tape to wrapping paper. If the tape isn’t strong, the wrapping paper won’t hold.

Creative examples aside, building and maintaining a strong credit score is one of the best financial moves you can make. Creditworthiness plays a vital role in any large purchase, and if you plan to make a major purchase in your lifetime, such as a vehicle or home, you’ll need to know what affects your credit and how to keep your credit in good standing.

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4 Tips for When Plans Are Hijacked

I remember the conversation like it was yesterday.

My beloved soldier and I were preparing to take the plunge into wedded bliss. Our entire courtship had essentially been long distance, which included a 12-month deployment to Iraq.

We were in the single digits until our day of nuptials. I had stars in my eyes; my heart pounded when I saw him in uniform. I was crazy about this guy and would do anything for him. It was wonderful.

Until that one conversation.

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3 Tips for Budgeting

First, I’d like to apologize for my lack of a new month’s resolution last month. PCSing from Alaska to Kentucky took a little bit longer than I had planned, and then once we got here, we had issues with internet service. Not to mention the truck of stuff to unpack! I’m not exaggerating—it was 11 crates. Still under the weight limit, though—good thing yarn doesn’t weigh a lot.

But now that 90% of everything is in its place, the internet is up and running (unlimited internet, you guys!), and the kids are  back in school, I’m ready with another resolution—taking charge of finances.

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New Mother Must Return to Work Soon

Dear Mr. Dad: My husband and I just had a baby two months ago. I’ve been off work under the Family Leave Act until now and would like to take the remaining four or five weeks. But, unfortunately, we really need my salary to make ends meet. The prospect of leaving my baby (my husband needs to work full-time too) is making me miserable. I’m feeling like a terrible mother and I have no idea what I can do to feel better about this situation.

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