Military Spouse and Caregiver Scholarship

Since its inception Hope For The Warriors (HOPE) has strived to support the entire military through its programs, particularly spouses and caregivers. We all know that the entire family serves, and many continue to serve even after their warrior is out of the service due to injuries and unforeseen life changes from said injuries.

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The B Side

Grwing up in the late 70s and early 80’s, I became a saavy record collector. You all remember records? The old school way to build a playlist??  I admit, I usaully bought a record for the A side. That side of the album or 45 that had the hit song, the catchy song, or  the song I wanted to hear everytime I turned on the radio. I never bought a record for the B side.

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For One Military Spouse, ‘Helping People is What it’s All About’

Did any of you PCS during the pandemic? For so many in the military community, an already challenging situation of a new duty station became that much more difficult when the world shut down, businesses were shuttered and our chances for connection — so desperately needed in this military life — suddenly, for many of us, became nonexistent for the first time. 

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Approaching Professional Development as a Job Seeker

What if you’re not looking to change careers and you already have the qualifications required in your field? Continuing to pursue professional development depicts a proactive and willing approach to growth. Maybe you learn a new language, study a software program, or join a professional organization. Being a lifelong learner enhances your ability to be a strong candidate for the roles you choose to pursue.

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Take Charge of Your Self-Care Routine with Hope For The Warriors

With school no longer in session, long days by the pool, backyard BBQs, and family vacations in sight, many of us often think that summer is free from “seasonal blues.” But sometimes, adjusting to the “new normal” during these months can be difficult. There are additional stressors like balancing children being home or finding extra finances for summer camps and parties that can start to take a toll on our mental wellness. As we head into the last half of summer, Hope For The Warriors encourages you to take some time to focus on your self-care routine.

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OCONUS Military Spouses Build Community

After you PCS, do you ever arrive at a new location and feel completely lost? In my time as a military spouse, this feeling was further exacerbated during our OCONUS tours. When we moved to Japan, my twins were three, my spouse was immediately gone off on deployment, where he remained for most of the tour. I couldn’t figure out the language, let alone the basics of this new life we had been thrown into a million miles from the comforts of home. 

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