My Christmas Meaning: A Milspouse Poem

I am no Emily Dickinson. Definitely not even close to Robert Frost. And even though I might add a “-th” to random words and say “thou” or “thee” on occasion (just because I can), I will never be a great playwright or poet like William Shakespeare. Today, I would like to share what Christmas means to me by way of a milspouse poem. This won’t be winning any poetry awards anytime soon, but if I have fun writing it (and you get just a tiny bit of enjoyment out of reading it), then I vote yes.

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Hope: It’s What Defines Us

Every military spouse knows hope. Formally defined, hope is the belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one’s life and implies that the outcome is possible even when there is some evidence to the contrary. From PCS to deployments, funny moments to serious ones, hope is the epicenter of our military way of life.

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