I am An Army Wife

I am an Army wife, a member of that sisterhood of women who have had the courage to watch their men go into battle and the strength to survive until their return. Our sorority knows no rank, for we earn our membership with a marriage license, traveling over miles or over nations to begin a new life with our soldier-husbands. Within days, we turn a barren, echoing building into a home, and though our quarters are inevitably white-walled and unpapered, we decorate with the treasures of our travels, for we shop the markets of the globe.

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Everything I Learned, I Learned from the Army

I say a lot that I have the Army to thank for everything that I am and everything I’m not. That goes for my years in high school and college ROTC, basic training and AIT, my years in service, and my years as a milspouse.

Some might say I’m naive—not the right word—but I’m “taken” for sure, enamored with the overarching principle of selfless service that embodies today’s all-volunteer Army. They and their families are the best.

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If You’re Not in Love with a Service Member

If you’re not in love with a service member, you can’t know adventure. You don’t know smelly PT uniforms that require a daily washing. You can’t understand green and brown camouflaged bags flooding your bedroom floor.

If you’re not in love with a service member, you can’t understand the meaning of the phrase “going to the field” and the weeks you spend away from each other.

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