Retirement: Another Bend in the Road

I will never forget that day—the day I knew our future was going to change. It was a windy overcast October day in 2013. My parents were visiting and had taken our five children to a movie, and I had the house to myself. At 4:30 p.m. I heard the garage door open.

It wasn’t a sound I usually heard before dark. My husband had been working late almost every day. He’d been under a lot of stress at work and hadn’t been sleeping well. He’d been on edge for months. He walked in the door and I could tell he wasn’t himself. He said he was going on a walk. I really didn’t give it much more thought. He sometimes just needed some quiet time to sort things out.

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It’s Not as Easy as I Thought it Would Be

I know. When you read that title, you probably thought, “me, too!” You did, didn’t you? It’s not as easy as I thought it would be, either.

The funny thing is, you didn’t know what I’d be writing about, and in the end, it doesn’t really matter. It could be anything in life, because when changes come—even when we think we’re prepared for them—it’s never quite what you think it’s going to be, and you have to learn how to adapt and overcome.

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Retirement: Location, Location, Location

In my first blog post about retirement that was posted back in September, I talked about the priority pyramid. This is one of the ways to visualize your priorities, in which you choose four main priorities (I arbitrarily chose location, school/career, family, and income as my headings; feel free to change those up) that you want to consider for goal planning, and stack them in order of which is most important to you.

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Organizing Your Thoughts for Retirement

We’re swiftly reaching that long-anticipated change in military status from active duty to retired.  Wow.

What comes next? What do we do first? What do we do, period?  There are so many questions that need to be answered when we make this change, not just from active to retired status, but from military to civilian, transient to permanent. Options change, opportunities change, everything changes.

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