What Pride Means to Brooklyn Morgan: ANG Spouse

Pride. What exactly does pride mean?

We all have said that we take pride in different things, but do we really? I take pride in being a mom to three beautiful children. I take pride in their actions towards others and the love they display. Pride exuded when I saw my husband hold each of our children when they were born.

While I teach, I take pride in my student’s abilities and characteristics displayed in the classroom. When I look into the mirror I take pride that I have had the strength to carry on throughout the years.

I became a military spouse in 2019; 11 years after being married.

Pride was not the word that trumped my thoughts as I saw his hand rise up to swear to protect our country. Hearing his words echo through the small flag filled room sent chills up by back.

Fear conquered those thoughts on that day, not pride.

Fear of the unknown and fear of the known that seemed to yell from the daily news. Fear of…everything.

Before he made that vow, we had our life planned out. It was easy; beautiful but an easy life ahead. In fact we worked very hard to make sure it would be smooth sailing. Then entered the military.

Movies and books romanticize military life. Long periods away, beautiful welcome homes, and lots of smiling and hugging. I will let you in on a little secret though….while that is all true, the real grit is not shown in the movies or books.

Besides the sacrifices of the service member, there are sacrifices being made daily around and behind them. The wife, sacrificing her time and energy to keep together the family when it used to be job first two people is now a job for just one.

After being a “military spouse” for 3ish years, I have seen some amazing things that more people should take pride in…take pride in our country; whether you agree or disagree, we live in a place you get to do that.

Pride in our family

From the ones in a uniform to the ones just learning to walk. While all of this pride is good, one type of pride doesn’t get played up as much as it should…that’s the pride of healthy friendships within the military community.

As a military spouse, hurdles and obstacles are thrown at us everyday and from every direction: kids breaking down, jobs becoming harder, and the house crumbling apart. Because our spouse isn’t always with us, it’s key to find your tribe to gather around and gain strength. Sometimes, they won’t always live in the same state but that’s okay too.

I take pride in my friendship with other service members spouses.

Their understanding surpasses that of any other person. Yes, our spouse is there is listen, but they will never fully understand what it is like as a spouse while they are away. Building those military friendships is really key.

As a wife of a nation guard soldier, it’s hard to find others in my state that relate to me and what I may be going through, but there is still hope!

As I reach out and make friends through reputable organizations dedicated to military spouses I’m able to build relationships with people across the world and the United States don’t understand what I’m going through and are great listening ear… Even if they’re in different time zones.

When I think of pride, just like everybody else, I  think of the flag and our service members.

But I like to look beyond them…

The men and women who stand firm and Strong at home, The spouses. The ones who gather together to make sure we are OK during trials and tribulations. The ones who celebrate us during victories in small bottles of life.

I take pride in being friends with other military spouses, even though they are not in my direct community.

If you have not found a spouse to reach out to yet, consider looking outside of your state… You’ll never imagine the friends that you’ll make, the advice you’ll get, and the stories you guys are able to share.

I am proud to be a military spouse, but I am so proud to have military spouse friends.

So as your spouse takes the oath and pride may feel you or freight may feel you, let me assure you that there are good things awaiting you. There is friendship willing to be made if you are open.

It doesn’t matter what branch you were in or if your reserves or guard, you will find so much pride in the people who support you and understand you and take time for you. If you can’t find anyone, reach out and be the person who makes it special for somebody else…

I mean we are all in this together right?

*For other articles like this, visitour AWN Homepage.

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Brooklyn Morgan

Brooklyn Morgan

Brooklyn has been with her husband for 16 years and married him for 14 of those years. Her husband, Matt, felt the urge to help his community and country, so he enlisted in the Arkansas National Guard (at the age of 31) during the start of the 2020 Covid Pandemic and was commissioned in April of the following year. While Brooklyn considers herself a "new" military spouse, she loves helping others navigate the world of the National Guard. Brooklyn is currently a Reading Interventionist for Kindergarten through 2nd grade. She has taught for over ten years and loves seeing her students thrive. Brooklyn earned her bachelor's of science degree from the University of Central Arkansas in Early Childhood Education. She holds a master's of science degree from the University of Central Arkansas in Advanced Studies of Teacher Leadership. During her teaching, Brooklyn became endorsed in English as a Second Language and then earned two different Dyslexia endorsements. Currently, she is a student at Abilene Christian University and working on her doctorate of education with an emphasis on educational leadership, technology, and Autism. Brooklyn is a mom of three amazing children and one dog (she lovingly considers her fourth child). She loves Jesus, being a mom, and cuddling her dog. When it's not too hot in Arkansas, Brooklyn and her husband enjoy kayaking, backpacking, or just being in nature. When she is not working or studying, you can find her cuddled up on the sofa watching re-runs of 90s T.V. shows.

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