5 Weird Inventions I Secretly Love

It all started when I saw an article about a “weird invention” that was a baby stroller/scooter hybrid. I thought it was brilliant. If I’d had a stroller/scooter when my kids were little tikes, I like to think we would have gone so many places—so much faster.

I’m pretty sure it appealed to me because I recently purchased an adult scooter. Yep. The same thing the kiddos ride around on except bigger.

All because of Rocco. Rocco is my 5-year-old handsome cattle dog who loves to run.

Guess who doesn’t love to run? Actually, whether I loved to run or not, I can’t keep up with this dog. He doesn’t want to jog or fast walk, he wants to sprint. And now he runs like the wind and pulls me behind like a sled dog. It’s awesome.

Now that you know the back story, you might have realized I’ve had some excessive free time on my hands. The result of that was a few days of me obsessing about unique inventions that I found pretty darn brilliant. Not only were they interesting, but I felt like, as a military family, we could use these in so many different ways. So, let me tell you about five inventions I think you are going to love.

1. Arms and Legs Sleeping Bag

For the outdoorsy camper in your life.

What’s one of the worst things about camping? Being cold at night and first thing in the morning. This totally solves that problem, and I’m in love with this invention. It’s got all the extras too. A hood to hide camping hair, open hands so you can still be in your warm suit while cooking over a campfire, zip-off booties so you can walk around as needed without ruining the feet of the suit, and a tool belt for your waist to hold all the things. As a camper, I give this 5 stars. Now picture this in your unaccompanied baggage during an OCONUS PCS. No more need to pack sheets and comforters. Takes up less room and you can use it anywhere!

2. The Ostrich Pillow

For the traveler in your life.

You might have seen either this exact pillow or a version of it before. Its sole purpose is to let you sleep. With how PCS travels go, I see this being a big help. Yeah, you look a little ridiculous wearing it, but who cares when you wake up fully rested and the rest of the travelers are grouchy pants because they couldn’t get any sleep? With a cocoon design, it blocks light and sound.  They call it the ultimate power nap tool. Every time I see this I want to nap. It just looks comfortable.

3. The Mix Stix

For the musical chef in your life.

I immediately saw issues with this invention in the form of spaghetti sauce flying around the room when the drummer in my life flipped the utensils and started drumming on the pots and pans, but who cares when you are having so much fun? At least that’s what I tell myself.

I suppose when I’m wiping spaghetti sauce off the ceiling I’d be less enthused. And then there is the multi-use functionality. No need to pack up drumsticks and kitchen spoons. Two in one.

And, these are affordable and fun. Maybe you limit it to stirring water only?

4. The Dine-Ink Pen Cap Eating Utensils.

For the Type-A-never-stops-multitasking person in your life.

I just want to see someone actually use these. I also feel like there are some missed opportunities here. In all the photos they have the pen part inside the utensil. What if you turned it around? Now you can eat and write. True working on the go multitasking effectiveness.

If there is one thing I know about military life it’s that we’re juggling 10 things at one time. Somehow I feel like this invention helps solve a problem or two for at least a few families. I know it’s only May, but can you say, stocking stuffer?

5. The Forget-Me-Not Kid Mittens

For the littles in your life.

This Kickstarter was fully funded in 2015, and I can’t believe I haven’t seen these brilliant mittens until now. I let out an audible, “awwwwww,” when I saw these.

I don’t know how many times I’ve had to warm my kid’s cold hands because they lost a mitten, forgot a mitten, got a mitten wet and muddy…and now it’s all solved because their little hands are right in mine.



Did you see something on that list you might just like to own? I’m glad there are brilliant minds out there coming up with unique oddities like these inventions.

Just a thought, but with all the extra time you might have on your hands, maybe there’s an opportunity for you to invent something that just might make your life easier too?

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Anna Larson

Anna Larson

Anna Larson is an entrepreneur, copywriter, digital marketer, and marketing strategist. In 2017, she jumped the corporate ship after working for a Fortune 500 company as the director of programs and marketing for 16 years. She started her small business, NomadAbout, to help companies share what they love to do with smart messaging to their customers, strategy-driven content, and all things digital marketing. Anna supports military spouses, entrepreneurs and small businesses by contributing monthly to a number of publications, co-hosting a weekly podcast and livestream business show called 15ish Minute Coffee Chat, and co-leading the Fort Hood chapter of the Association of Military Spouse Entrepreneurs. After 22+ years her family made the leap into military retirement with our two amazing kids + fur baby. In her spare time, she likes to travel the world and have amazing adventures with her family. Connect with Anna on LinkedIn or on social media @iamnomadabout or by visiting her website, www.nomadabout.com.

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