A Resolution You Will Want to Keep

A frequent topic of conversation in the beginning of every year is New Year’s resolutions. You know the drill… Loose weight. Get in shape. Clean out the closets. Eat healthy foods. Be a better friend. Pay down debt. Quit smoking. Find a hobby. Read more. De-clutter. Unplug. Organize the garage. Keep a journal.

Although 45% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions, only 46% of those resolutions survive through June. Whether or not you make them or keep them, if you are in career transition and looking for a job, now would be a great time to make this one and stick to it:  

I resolve to take a fresh look at all aspects of my transition and job search plan and make adjustments that will enhance my chances of success.

Here are 11 ways to help you implement and keep that resolution.

1. Update your resume.

Have you tweaked it recently? When was the last time you had a fresh set of eyes review it? Does it reference the years from too long ago? Maybe that needs to be changed to the current year. Have any job title and description updates? Achievements? Did you receive any awards or accolades at the end of last year that should be added? Address change? Phone number still good?

2. Spiff up your wardrobe.

Has your suit been cleaned recently? Is it possible that you need to update your interview attire? Maybe a new suit is not in the budget, but a new shirt and tie or blouse will make the old suit look like new. Take a look at your shoes. Polished? Heels and soles in good shape? Laces frayed?

3. Let your physical appearance represent you as an employee.

Take a look in the mirror. Would you hire that person? Would you even want to meet that person? Military personnel are known for excellent grooming and pride in appearance. Do you live up to that expectation? Hair cut? Facial hair groomed? Nails managed?

4. Work on your reference list.

Review the people on that list. When was the last time you checked in with them? Do they know your search has started and continues? Has their contact information changed? Have they changed their preferred method of being contacted? Do they remain willing to act as a reference for you? Do they need any information from you that will assist them in giving a reference if asked?

5. Keep up the networking.

Review your network. Has it gone stale? Does it need a jump-start? Did you give up on some of those contacts? Did some of them suggest you reconnect after the first of the year? Make some new connections. Alumni associations? Professional societies? Job fairs? Networking events? Friends? Family? Social networking? Neighbors? Your church congregation? Do not be afraid to ask for help and advice. Remember: who you know and who they know can have a big impact on developing leads and getting your foot in the door.

6. Check out your online identity.

Google yourself. What comes up? When was the last time you did some housekeeping on your social networking pages? Inventory those pictures and make sure you are comfortable sharing them with a potential employer. Do you have a presence on LinkedIn? You should. It can be a powerful job search tool. In addition to crafting a profile that represents you well, identify and join any special interest groups that have to potential to expand your network.

7. Brush up your professional reading.

What books are on your nightstand or e-reader? Are you keeping up with trends in your industry or specialty? Do you read business periodicals? Professional or trade journals? How about job hunting and career transition guides? Special interest groups and postings on social media sites?

8. Don’t neglect health and fitness.

Do not neglect your personal needs. Job-hunting is a stressful time in your life. It requires a lot of mental and physical energy to support it. Take 30-60 minutes out of every day to move your body. Get the blood flowing. Walk, run, jog, bike, swim, stretch, or any other activity that gets you moving. The physical and mental benefits of this short break in your daily routine are equally important.

9. Don’t overlook volunteering.

It is very easy to get tunnel vision during a job search. It is perfectly natural to focus on selfish issues. It is also easy to get down on yourself when things are not going well. You need to shake it off if it happens to you. The physical activity mentioned above will help, but so will a little bit of give-back. Get involved in community service. Most people feel better about themselves when they are helping others. Although it should not be your sole motivation, volunteering is also a good way to expand your network.

10. Stay organized.

How are you keeping track of your search activities? Journal? Log book? Paper? Digital? What have you done, when did you do it, what happens next? Are you keeping track of contacts made? Follow-up activity? Expected action? Suspense dates? Can you find and provide information quickly if asked? Have a place for everything and everything in its place.

11. Reconnect with old interest. 

For many companies a new year also means a new budget. Maybe they could not fund that job last year but now they can. Just because a company could not hire you then does not necessarily mean it’s still out of the question. Follow-up on previous interviews. Re-apply at the company’s website. Review past correspondence to see if additional follow-up might help.


In summary, stay active and be positive. Dedicate a significant piece of each day to some aspect of your transition and job search efforts. Resolve to do this and stick to it. This is one New Year’s resolution you cannot afford to break.

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Retired Expert

Retired Expert

Army Wife Network is blessed with many military-focused people and organizations that share their journey through writing in our expert blogger category. As new projects come in, their focus must occasionally shift closer to their organization and expertise. Their content and contributions are still valued and resourceful. Those posts are reassigned under "Retired Experts" in order to allow them to remain available as content for our AWN fans.

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