A Year of Thanks: March

Yep… Still doing this. Thinking of something to be thankful for every day is tough, but rewarding. Here are my January and February lists.

Cherry Blossoms from Seoul, South Korea

Here’s my March:

1. Custom-made dresses: Living in Korea means, if you’re bigger than a size two, you aren’t finding clothes. We’ve had a few formal events, one of which is on March 15, and I had a dress made for each event. I loved showing up knowing no one else was wearing my dress.

2. Dog parks: Because it’s always fun to watch your dog take advantage of the innocence of unsuspecting dogs.

3. Cooking LightI found the most delicious recipe for an egg salad sandwich, and my life has been changed forever.

4. “Stolen Away on 55th & 3rd” by Dave Matthews Band.

5. Elevators: Because, let’s be honest, I’m lazy.

6. Unexpected recognition: When you do something because you love it, recognition is the cherry on top.

7. The moment you go, “What?! You, too? I thought I was the only one!”

8. Baking soda: From baking to removing hair product residue, baking soda is pretty awesome.

9. Closure: Because moving on is hard enough. Closure makes it easier to proceed.

10. The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon: Because he’s actually funny. That’s right, I’m lookin’ at you, Leno.

11. Taran Killam: Speaking of TV, Saturday Night Live wouldn’t be as funny without Taran Killam, my celebrity crush. Jebediah Atkinson? Hysterical.

12. Accomplishing everything on your to-do list: It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it’s magical.

13. Replica designer purses: Living in Korea would be far less exciting if I didn’t get to shop for fake Louis Vuitton purses.

14. Getting to know people: Now, I wouldn’t say I’m the friendliest person in the world, but when I take the time to get to know someone and they end up being totally worth the time? Jackpot!

15. Dr. Scholl’s inserts: You know, the cushy kind. My feet are not designed for heels, and those inserts make it slightly more bearable.

16. When my son spends the night with a sitter: Because… You know.

17. Spanx: Because… You know.

18. Army Wife Talk Radio: I bit the bullet and co-hosted the show with Janet today. I was so tired because didn’t sleep much the night before, but I did it and I’m thankful. We rocked it. P.S. Janet makes everything awesome.

19. Baskin Robins: Because there’s no better way to end a rough day than two scoops of mint chocolate chip.

20. Poptarts: Hey, my son can “make” his own breakfast. #winning

21. Skype: I can’t imagine being stationed here in Korea without Skype. I need my monthly two-hour conversations with my bestie.

22. Bazaars/flea markets: One-stop shopping for all kinds of random things? Pretty much makes for the best day ever.

23. My husband: He took Matthew with him to run errands so I could have some down time. I really needed the down time, and I’m thankful for his thoughtfulness.

24. Dishwashers: Our apartment in Seoul has some amazing technological aspects to it, but I miss having a dishwasher. Actually, I’m tired of being the dishwasher. I’m thankful they exist!

25. Scentsy warmers: When we move back stateside, I will have one in every room. Since we are in Korea, I only have one for 220v, because running a warmer on a transformer stinks!

26. Vanilla beans: They smell good and make things taste good. I’m a fan.

27. My bed: At this very moment, I’m lying in bed, exhausted, while my husband is at a field exercise, sleeping in a tent. Thank God for beds.

28. Billy Joel: Requires no further explanation.

29. Soap: Because you totes need it to make things clean!

30. Cherry blossoms: Aren’t they gorgeous? What makes me love them so much is the symbolism behind them—extreme beauty and quick death, resembling life according to the Japanese.

31. My best friend’s Angel Food Cake: I have dreams about it.  I miss it so much, it hurts.

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Retired Blogger

Retired Blogger

Army Wife Network is blessed with many military spouses who share their journey through writing in our Experience blog category. As we PCS in our military journey, bloggers too sometimes move on. Their content and contributions are still valued and resourceful. Those posts are reassigned under "Retired Bloggers" in order to allow them to remain available as content for our AWN fans.

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