Don’t Mind Me

Oh hey! Don’t mind me. I just popped into the laundry room here for a little peace and quiet. Why the laundry room? You see, it’s right across from the pantry. And I just stole a piece of chocolate from my children’s candy bowl that is hidden in the pantry. They sometimes forget about their treats, but I don’t! And on days like today, I can’t help myself. I grab a piece and then sneak around the corner to enjoy it before my kids catch me. Then, sometimes I run out and grab another piece, or two, or three.

Depends on the day, you know?

Don't mind me and my laundry room chocolate.

I don’t get a lot of time to myself, so even making a phone call or replying to a text message can be a challenge. I’ve had to become creative to accomplish those tasks. I lock myself into my somewhat soundproofed walk-in closet, and use it as my telephone booth. But I’m still getting used to this new home, and I’ve realized that the closet gets patchy and sometimes drops my calls. I’ve gone upstairs to our loft, which has great reception, but it only stays quiet until the kids find me. I’ve locked myself in the bathroom, too. Those five minutes in there are my administrative times—replying to texts, emails, or making a to-do list. I must fit things in whenever and wherever I can!

It’s the mom life.

And the mom life is extra hard right now. I’m still trying to settle into our new area, and unexpected challenges have arisen. It’s nothing I can’t handle, but it’s forced me to spend a little more time in that laundry room!

But don’t mind me. I know I need a change, so I’m trying some new things.

I’ve been working on some goals and a new routine to help refresh us all. My plan was to wake a lot earlier than the kids (as opposed to the little bit earlier that I’m practicing now), so I can get ahead of the household chores and have some quiet time in the morning to start my day. But the littlest is still up several times a night for water or to snuggle with me. So, I’ve been struggling getting up early enough to meet those goals. Instead, I stay up late to finish the household chores and decompress while watching my favorite shows. But staying up late causes me to be tired in the morning.

It’s such a vicious cycle. So, I guess I’ll try again tomorrow.

Don't mind me and my quiet time at the Y.

I really don’t like gyms, but I joined the YMCA. Shh! It’s really just for the free child care that comes with the membership. I walk the treadmill, ride the stationary bike, and answer texts and emails as I do. I can even take a ten-minute cat nap in the sauna or sit at a table in the corner of the lounge and enjoy a cup of coffee while the kids are occupied. Hey, it’s enough exercise for me just to get four kids out the door and buckled into our vehicle! (Watch Disney’s Bluey, the episode titled Sticky Gecko, and you’ll know exactly what I mean.) To be serious, exercise really does help me overall. Maybe I’ll even sign up for a day with a personal trainer so I can feel more successful with my workout routines.

Yeah, maybe I’ll get on that tomorrow, too.

Another goal I had was to redecorate the kids’ rooms and add some spring décor to my home. So, I loaded up the kids today and took them to my favorite store where all the décor is on sale. We originally were going to go shoe shopping afterward, but we didn’t make it that long. The kids were surprisingly well-behaved in the store, so when they began feeling hungry for lunch, I knew their good behavior would start breaking down…like last week.

Don't mind me and my circus at the store.

I attempted a quick trip through the store too close to the dinner hour. The kids became ornery: one was starting to cry, and one kept trying to escape the cart while other shoppers were trying to pass by my entourage. “Oops, sorry!” I exclaimed as I pushed my cart aside for them to pass. “Don’t mind us!” We were quite the circus in the way of everyone. We then had an epic meltdown in the check-out line, where, at the end, the cashier enthusiastically but seriously, told me “I hope you have a wonderful day.” I sighed a big “thanks” in return and high-tailed it outta there!

I wasn’t going to repeat that while shopping for décor! We booked it home, and I rewarded us for good behavior with drive-through donuts instead.

And so, we keep trying, and we celebrate the small things.

As in, Mommy’s rewards might be stealing chocolate. And going to the Y and not working out.

And I might get in your way at the store, and we might not have quite gotten our house decorated yet.

And I might have forgotten about your text from a week ago, and maybe my call dropped in the middle of our conversation.

And you might find me hiding in the laundry room or pigging out on ice cream at midnight while watching my favorite show.

But don’t mind me while I get it figured out. Life is tricky and icky and so, so hard…in moments.

I love my children dearly! They are my most precious gifts. Soon, they won’t be so needy, and we’ll eventually get it together. I will get into a new, great routine, and I will accomplish my goals…seriously, starting tomorrow!

If you enjoyed this, you may like A Personal Account of My Life With Two Children.


By LaVaughn Ricci, Military Spouse

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LaVaughn Ricci

LaVaughn Ricci

LaVaughn Ricci is originally from Michigan and met her husband while they were both students at Cedarville University in Ohio. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Arts, and she also studied bible, theatre, and American Sign Language. She is certified in Teaching English as a Second Language. LaVaughn’s husband commissioned in the U.S. Army in 2004, and the two of them overcame a long-distance relationship through five different duty stations and two deployments before they finally married in 2011. Since then, they have been stationed at seven different installations together, have had four incredible children (two born overseas), and have travelled a decent fraction of the world. LaVaughn loves Jesus Christ, being an Army wife, adventuring with her family, musicals, chocolate, chai lattés, and a quality cup of decaf. She is a homeschooling mom who volunteers in SFRGs, PWOCs, and enjoys helping service members and their families whenever and however possible. She would enjoy connecting with you on Facebook.

2 thoughts on “Don’t Mind Me

  • Sharita Knobloch
    March 26, 2022 at 6:20 pm

    LaVaughn, I feel like if we lived near the same zip code, we would be fast friends. I LOL’d at several points and totally hear you on so many points of motherhood journey. (During the pandemic, my master bedroom closet became my “meeting” room and podcast recording studio. I mean, it did really control the acoustic/echo issues because of all the stuff in there!) 😉

  • LaVaughn Ricci
    March 30, 2022 at 12:42 am

    Sharita, I’m glad you could relate and you enjoyed this so much! That is too funny about how you had to use your closet! They’re really not bad spaces to work! And yes, we’d definitely be fast friends! 😉


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