New Year Resolutions: Start Now!

Why wait until the new year to start making changes? We hear it all the time when it comes to fitness and wellness resolutions but what about when it comes to your job search or a career change?

I’m starting to hear it more and more from clients, “I’ll start my job search after the new year” or “I’ll be ready to work in January.”

But why wait?

Why not start putting the effort in now? This time of year is busy for everyone, but we often get so busy that we forget about ourselves.

Let’s make a change and get started right now!

1. Identify your goal.

What type of job are you looking for? Full-time or part-time? Is there a specific industry you want to get into? Will this be a career change? Do you need additional education or certifications to land that dream job?

2. Update your resume.

When was the last time you updated your resume? Your resume should always be changing as we are continuously adding new skills to our repertoire (ESPECIALLY as a military spouse)!

3. Get LinkedIn.

Did you know that as a military spouse, you can get one year free of LinkedIn Premium? Utilizing LinkedIn is key when conducting a job search. LinkedIn Premium makes it easier to connect with recruiters, find jobs that match your profile, and much more.

Click HERE to get LinkedIn Premium.

4. Utilize your resources.

At Hire Heroes USA, we have a team to assist you throughout your entire job search. When you sign up for our free services not only will we provide you with an expertly written resume, but a Transition Specialist will help guide you along the way. Think of us as your personal career coach, cheerleader, accountability partner, voice of reason, and so much more!

We love to share tips, tricks, and resources with all our clients to ensure they are successfully navigating their job search.

Sign up for services HERE.

By getting started right now, you are setting yourself up for success in the new year. You will have all the tools you need to continue the job search and you will have a leg up on those who decided to wait. Do your future self a favor and start now!

*Written by: Lauren McKnight

Lauren McKnight is a Transition Specialist with the Serving Spouses Team at Hire Heroes USA. As an Army Spouse, she understands the hardships that come with each PCS. Lauren has been through the fear of not being able to find employment after living overseas and raising her family for a few years. Because of that, she wants to be able to help other spouses overcome those same challenges. Lauren has a background working in non-profits and higher education. In her most recent experience, she worked in HR and learned recruitment processes. Now, she is able to advise and guide her clients utilizing her recruitment knowledge and HR skills. Lauren has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and is so happy to finally be giving back to others in a way that impacts her very own community.

*Click HERE for more articles from Hire Heroes USA on the Army Wife Network

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HHUSA Serving Spouses Program

HHUSA Serving Spouses Program

Hire Heroes USA’s Serving Spouses℠ Program is a career coaching program tailored specifically to military spouses. Military spouses who register for the program are individually paired with a transition specialist on our team who understands the unique challenges they face in the job search, like communicating gaps in employment and understanding transferable skills. We do our best to ensure military spouse registrants are paired with a military spouse on our team—someone who knows the challenges first-hand and has overcome them. Searching for employment is stressful enough without the added challenge of being a military spouse, but you don’t have to do it alone! Military spouses can register for free services at Active-duty spouses, reserve spouses, and those spouses whose service member has retired or separated from the military are all eligible for Hire Heroes USA’s services. Free Services Include: One on One Professional Mentorship with a Serving Spouses Transition Specialist A Professionally Revised Resume LinkedIn / Networking Assistance Interview Preparation Guidance to include Mock Interviews Access to Workshops, Webinars, and Events A Job Board Federal Resume Help Virtual Career Fairs Targeted Industry / Job Mentorship Find out more by joining the Military Spouse Support Facebook Forum or the Serving Spouses LinkedIn Group.

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