Reflecting on Luck

Third time’s a charm. I’ve been sitting here, stumped on how to start getting words on this page, next to my husband who has now motioned three times toward my computer. Silently cheering me on, supporting me, generally adding to the evidence of why I know I’m lucky.

There are always little things that seem lucky, like that time I won a free drink from the vending machine at work or when I won the bingo game that scored us a free four-day pass for my husband, already signed by his command to use whenever he liked.

Luck isn’t always about winning the free stuff, though. For example, there was that time some nice soul not only found but turned in our only set of car keys when I dropped them in the commissary parking lot.

But I think the really lucky things are those that change your life. The real reason I know I’m lucky is because somehow, ten years and a smidge ago, my husband and I met. Now, of course, both of us would probably agree that meeting changed both of our lives, and I love that. Our relationship is always something I’m incredibly grateful for and blessed by.

As the story goes, which I’m sure you’ve guessed, another big change occurred for me through our relationship. I became a military spouse.

Do you believe military spouses are lucky? Here are a few ways I think we can count ourselves lucky.

Every. Single. PCS.

Need I say more? Seriously, who else gets to pick up and move around as much as we do? Our military lifestyle breaks the mold with the fact that we get to experience a new place every few years. Even though the whole “getting there and settling in” part isn’t always easy, each new location has something to offer and something new to do. Our locations so far have included Florida (where we met), Maryland, Mississippi, and Okinawa, Japan.


We’ve parasailed, played in the snow, gone camping, met a water buffalo, and so very much more in between.­­­



Each place has its own beautiful scenery, too. The memories we have scattered across these places are more vivid, knowing that we might never be there again. (Excluding Florida, of course. A girl can dream…)



How lucky are we that could stand around in awe of alligators, the actual Star Spangled Banner document, the Mississippi River, and whale sharks?


Luckily, we’re slotted to most likely add a few more places to our list of duty stations before all is said and done. I honestly can’t wait to be surprised by what else we happen upon in our next places. But not yet. We have more exploring of Okinawa to do first!

What adventures, beauty, and splendor have your PCS moves brought you?

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Angie Andrews

Angie Andrews

Angie is a lucky lady. Lucky, and blessed to be a wife and an Army wife to boot. She lives in Japan with her husband and two cats, Hunter and Matthews. Angie and her husband were married in 2013, and he began his military career in 2008. They met in Florida, and Angie hopes they will live off the Gulf Coast within walking distance to the beach one day. Along with the beach, Angie loves to have a good laugh, a good friend, and a good read or write. She has some serious favorites: food—macaroni and cheese, music—Tom Petty, workout—elliptical miles. Angie graduated from UCF with a degree in Elementary Education and taught for seven years, five of those years as a first grade teacher, and the last two as a reading coach. She has a collection of other jobs before and after teaching as well. Presently, she works as a writer and editor. Angie is thrilled to be a part of the Army Wife Network blog contributors and invites your thoughts and responses. You can reach out to her on Twitter @wifeitupwife. Angie also serves as AWN's Assistant Content Editor.

One thought on “Reflecting on Luck

  • Sharita Knobloch
    March 8, 2021 at 11:14 am

    Angie, I can always count on you to give me fresh perspective on my “luck” to be a milspouse! Your pics and insight are both so beautiful.

    Here’s a brief excerpt from today’s lucky list:
    1. Living at the foot of the Franklin Mountains in West Texas
    2. The OPPORTUNITY to go back to school and work on my dissertation, supported by a man who pays for it and cheers me on
    3. Meeting people and having connections in all corners of the country (and some across the world… I mean, I know someone who lives in Okinawa!! 🙂

    The list goes one– and I sure appreciate you prodding me to dig in for a positive outlook. Oh– and I’m SUPER lucky to have you on our AWN Command Team, contributing empowering blogs and leadership like this. THANK YOU!


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