Schwartz Family Travel Essentials

We travel a lot by car. In part, we travel by car because it’s expensive to fly and partly because Brandon doesn’t like to fly without a parachute. We’ve driven from Colorado to Arizona, Alabama, Florida and even to Canada. Traveling as a military family is a bit different from regular civilian journeys as we often move to unfamiliar areas and don’t return to a previous duty station. With PCS season upon the military, I decided to collect my tried-and-true travel essentials to share with prospective movers; I hope this helps!


To prepare for our departure, we like to host a goodbye dinner and spend as much time with friends as we can. Keeping strong friendships is something really important to us, and dedicating time just before departure helps solidify those bonds before physical separation. A camera and compatible chargers typically go in the front seat of the vehicle for all of these events. As the aphorism says: a picture is worth a thousand words. Having photos to remind my kids of their friends has been really nice. It’s amazing how a picture can bring back so many memories, and it helps my children remember good times from the last duty assignment.


Cleaning products are a must for your travel kit, even if you pay for a move-out clean at your departing location. The hotel, the gas station restroom, or your new home may not be move-in ready, so you should be ready to clean on the go. Having supplies on hand has given me peace of mind on countless occasions. Even something as insignificant as having a small bottle of dish washing soap has saved us from some sticky situations. Being able to clean out reusable water bottles or use the soap to get a stain out of clothing is great. I also suggest bringing a sponge or two to have the capability to tackle messes on the go. So make sure to add your favorite dish washing soap to your kit.

Another small item that makes a big difference are clothespins. Clothespins have come in handy when keeping curtains closed in hotels to black it out for naptime, hanging wet swimsuits to dry, or even putting up sheets to provide privacy when the proximity of family traveling is starting to wear on people.

Some other musts: A travel potty (for the kids), toilet paper, baby wipes, trash bags, hand soap/hand sanitizer. These items have all been useful when on the go with young children. Sometimes finding a suitable gas station restroom isn’t convenient when traveling or one of your little ones tells you that they have to go—now. The travel potty saved us from “accidents” more than once. Plus, I have never regretted having an extra pack of baby wipes!


Once on the move, make sure to have a cooler, cast iron skillet, paper plates, paper towels, plastic utensils, and storage bags. Having a cooler on hand while in the vehicle, hotel, and in an empty house before household goods are delivered has been a budget saver. It also gives us a chance to eat a bit healthier than days of fast-food. We use our cooler to have fresh fruit, veggies, and beverages on hand. We will usually stop at a grocery store to pick up some items at various times during the trip.

We also bring along disposable paper goods and inexpensive kitchen items. Having a cast iron skillet lets us fry, bake, and roast various foods when a stove is available. With little kids, we rely on disposable items to manage meals and snacks. Inspired by my parents, who made every PCS a magical adventure, I try to get themed paper products from the party section of the local stores. We always have a travel picnic blanket in the van because picnics are my love language! Being able to truly enjoy a meal with my kids has been delightful; we will have an impromptu family picnic at a scenic location on our route to the final destination. It is wonderful to see them noticing the surroundings, laughing and soaking in the fresh outdoors.


I am really looking forward to our upcoming summer adventures. Whether you are traveling near or far, having a list can lead to a wonderful PCS experience for you and the family. I hope this list helps you. Enjoy the journey!

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Retired Blogger

Retired Blogger

Army Wife Network is blessed with many military spouses who share their journey through writing in our Experience blog category. As we PCS in our military journey, bloggers too sometimes move on. Their content and contributions are still valued and resourceful. Those posts are reassigned under "Retired Bloggers" in order to allow them to remain available as content for our AWN fans.

2 thoughts on “Schwartz Family Travel Essentials

  • Sharita Knobloch
    April 29, 2021 at 11:18 am

    Super fun and relevant tips, Alika! We do many of these same things– clothes pins and baby wipes (no matter how old the kids are) = game changer. We are getting ready for a big road trip and this helps with my personal packing list. Thank you!

    PS: “Brandon doesn’t like to fly without a parachute.” 🪂 Cracking up over here!

    • April 29, 2021 at 11:42 am

      You are a rockstar! I am excited for summer vacation and to relax by the pool. It’s nice having a go to list ready for our adventures. Working smarter not harder!!


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