AWTR Show #934: Proper Planning Prevents Grinchism!

Are you considered a Grinch in your house? In this Milspouse Empowerment Moment, Jolene explains how even if you are a Grinch (or not), proper planning can help bring out the joy of the holiday season. The idea of the holidays always seems joyful. But when it comes to the actual execution, things can get stressful. So Jolene shares her tips for keeping the holiday season happy.

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AWTR Show #927: “Over, Under, Around, and Through”

Everyone faces obstacles in their lives. Absolutely everyone. Learn the secrets of how Hall of Famers overcame the obstacles in their lives to become stronger, smarter, and more resilient – and how you can, too in the book Over, Under, Around, and Through.

Everyone already has the skills they need to surmount the obstacles in their lives. You have to keep putting one foot in front of the other and continuing on. And remember that the key to resiliency is thinking that you can get through the obstacles that come your way.

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AWTR Show #925: Homeschooling Teens

Homeschooling teens during the middle and high school years can feel overwhelming but can also be a blessing for both parent and teen. By homeschooling during these years, you can give your teen the individual attention they need to thrive academically and socially. Additionally, you can customize their learning experience to fit their unique needs and interests.

And the good news is that you do not have to know it all – you can learn alongside your kids. There are so many resources out there that can help you teach your kids (some programs do it all for you). When you homeschool teens, you gain a special bond with them that can continue into adulthood. 

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