Too Much Toxicity

For quite some time, I’ve noticed some disturbing trends across social media. It seems as if toxicity and the people who spread it have been in full force like a wildfire. One topic I’ve seen consistently is bashing women. For example, stay-at-home moms, women who like to wear make up and pretty clothes, women who work, and women being comfortable in their own skin.

Life is hard enough without people intentionally making it miserable for others. 

Through further personal research and a little Facebook snooping, I noticed a lot of the bashing stems from random people in Facebook groups or public accounts that try to push their toxic views.

The question that remains is why are women the subject of these hateful views?

A great example was the famous singer Rihanna. She recently became one of the richest people in the world through self-made means. That’s wonderful right? Being a self-made billionaire would be any entrepreneur’s dream!

Some beg to differ.

When I was reading through comments under some of the articles posted, I was horrified. Some commenters felt that her success was nothing to celebrate since she wasn’t married or had any children.

Another example of the toxicity I see are the various private mom groups that bash woman with real bodies. I mean real bodies, like the ones with bloating, stretch marks, cellulite, and sun blemishes.

I have a love-hate relationship with myself due to how I look postpartum. I had two emergency c-sections, and I’m currently still breastfeeding. Getting “back” to how I was has been difficult. I’ve been told it should be easy for me since others have had zero problems slimming down or getting a flat-ish stomach in six months.

Fun fact: Being a black woman, my body produces more scar tissue and will take a little longer to heal internally. It may take one person six months to get to back to where they want to be physically, but it will take me about a year and a half.

The human body is an enigma. Comments like that hurt me and make me hurt for others who are bashed from gaining a little weight, whether it be from maturity or from maternity. As long as you’re healthy and happy, none of that should matter.

This all leads me to a single point; I hate the bashing and the nit picking.

In my personal opinion, you shouldn’t be bashing others to make yourself look or feel better. What purpose does that serve?

Nothing at all.

We constantly see small reminders to be kind to one another, but why is it that others find joy in criticizing insecurities and (what should be) proud moments of achievements?

All in all, there are toxic people out there and probably always will be, but it’s our job to ignore them and uplift ourselves and others.

Shut out all the haters and people who try to tear down you and others around you out of spite. Their comments and opinions don’t matter.

The only thing that does matter is you, your mental health, and wellness.

Please be your most sparkly self. Maybe in time, there won’t be as much negativity in the world, and we can all be wonderful, successful, and fabulous in any way we see fit!

Stay safe. Drink water. Be Happy.

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Anastassia Kennedy

Anastassia Kennedy

Anastassia is originally from North Carolina, born and raised in Fort Bragg. She is a military child turned spouse, so the Army has been a part of who she is for her entire life. She and her husband have been married for six years and have two boys (2 and 5 years old) and are currently stationed in Washington, Illinois (for now at least). She is hoping her next assignment will take her back down South next because she does not enjoy snow filled winters! She is a stay at home mom with a knack for Crocheting (she actually turned her hobby into a side job- how cool is that?) She also enjoys yoga, podcasts, reading, thrifting, and exploring cities and villages. Most of her exploring various places is food related as she loves trying new foods (and finding cool tea rooms) so she can broaden her pallet. Not to mention, you always meet the nicest people in restaurants and bakeries! Anastassia is a fun-loving person who is always ready at a moment's notice to enjoy life, have fun, and make new friends.

One thought on “Too Much Toxicity

  • Sharita Knobloch
    September 2, 2021 at 12:42 pm

    I completely and totally agree, Anastassia! I don’t understand how or why people want to bash others online, and I’m glad AWN is bucking that trend. Thanks for sharing this with our audience!


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