You Are Wonderful

As humans, we are often our toughest critics. We judge ourselves a bit too harshly when it comes to personal endeavors, but why? Why are we so harsh on ourselves? When was the last time someone told you that you are wonderful?

I understand that there is a consistent need in all of us to strive to do better for ourselves or our loved ones (one day at a time), but shouldn’t we cut ourselves some slack and give ourselves a little gratitude?

I say yes!

Yes to loving yourself and all your accomplishments, no matter how big or small they may be.

As for as me, I am a guilty of selling myself short on an accomplishment or process. I’m extremely critical of myself in the physical health and parenting categories. I’m also guilty of comparing myself to others.

The same questions always pop up in my mind for both categories: Am I doing enough? What can I do better? Why does it seem like there is little to no progression? What am I doing wrong?

After a little soul searching and a few days of deep thought, I was able to get a few answers to my questions.

I understand some things you have to do one day at a time and ideal results aren’t instant, but it is a bit disheartening when it seems as if all of your hard work and dedication isn’t paying off in the amount of time you thought it would, not to mention the Instagram profiles and Facebook pages that kill all of your confidence at times.

Disappointment is normal, but I had to learn to be kinder to myself.

I had to constantly remind myself that I am doing a good job taking everything one day at a time.

I had to constantly remind myself that the internet is deceptive, and most photos and lifestyles are edited to portray a fantasy.

I try to cheer myself up by saying something nice on a friends post or working on a new art project. I appreciate the realness of my Facebook friends and artists I follow. A lot of them are encouraging and make me feel a little better with kind words and quotes. I’ll admit, it makes me happy to see them thriving and accomplishing their goals. They give me hope that, one day, I can bounce back and accomplish my goals and dreams.

Coming back to words of encouragement—being kind and uplifting to ourselves and others can boost our confidence (or in my case MOMfidence) and give us all a brighter outlook on life. I’ve made it a personal goal to be kinder and give positive feedback to my friends, family, and cyber friends.

I’m here to tell you, dear reader, that you are doing a great job.

You are a beautiful person inside and out.

Never stop striving to do what makes you happy, and remember to always do your best.

If you have time or are presented the opportunity to do so, say something encouraging or kind to your friends (or even a stranger). Being kind to each other is how we all make the world a better place.

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Anastassia Kennedy

Anastassia Kennedy

Anastassia is originally from North Carolina, born and raised in Fort Bragg. She is a military child turned spouse, so the Army has been a part of who she is for her entire life. She and her husband have been married for six years and have two boys (2 and 5 years old) and are currently stationed in Washington, Illinois (for now at least). She is hoping her next assignment will take her back down South next because she does not enjoy snow filled winters! She is a stay at home mom with a knack for Crocheting (she actually turned her hobby into a side job- how cool is that?) She also enjoys yoga, podcasts, reading, thrifting, and exploring cities and villages. Most of her exploring various places is food related as she loves trying new foods (and finding cool tea rooms) so she can broaden her pallet. Not to mention, you always meet the nicest people in restaurants and bakeries! Anastassia is a fun-loving person who is always ready at a moment's notice to enjoy life, have fun, and make new friends.

One thought on “You Are Wonderful

  • Sharita Knobloch
    July 6, 2021 at 11:54 am

    Great, great perspective, Anastassia! I totally agree– many of us are our own worst critics, and we should absolutely be kinder to others and even moreso, ourselves. Thank you for this reminder!!

    PS: You are a wonderful addition to the AWN Band of Bloggers!


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