Tuning Your Radio: Part 2

Editor’s note: To read Part 1 of Tuning Your Radio, go here

Let’s be real—if something has to be done, what’s the point of letting it cause us anxiety? That won’t make the task any more enjoyable or help us complete it any faster.

And if I’m lucky enough to read a chapter or two of my personal development book before my family wakes up, I squeeze that in, too.

Starting my day off right is only the beginning.

I’m intentional with the shows I watch and how much news I listen to. If you’re sensitive to everything around you, then the news can bring your mental mood down pretty quickly. My mother, for instance, watches the news on repeat all morning. She is in a chronic state of fear and anxious about so many things out of her control. My attempts to reassure her that the world is not going to self-destruct tomorrow is always in vain. But, even if things were about to end tomorrow, you and I have no control over that situation.

I would rather live loving each moment I had with my family and friends than dreading a future that might not happen.

Beyond media playing with our emotions, the people we choose to let into our lives can either build a strong foundation of self-worth and comfort, or they can be the devil on your shoulder filling your life with questionable decisions.

As I’ve grown wiser with age (I hope!), I’ve noticed some people like stirring the pot. And honestly, that might be their thing, but it doesn’t have to be mine. I can choose to walk away from friendships that aren’t helping me lead a fulfilling life.

Since I’ve become more selective with the types of people I let into my circle, the enormous amount of unconditional love, support, and positivity has been overwhelming. Not only for myself, but for my family, too. Choosing my community of strong, positive, caring people has given me the strength to pull through hard days and helped me remain more positive and loving to others. Before, I could have easily gotten sucked into the drama and complaining of others. It just took so much energy out of me—energy I could have used for my family.

Something that you might not think as a contributor to the health of your mindset is your own internal monologue.

How do you treat yourself?

Do you put yourself down whenever you walk by a mirror, or do you criticize how you handle an interaction?

I found myself doing this sometimes with my food choices. “Oh, Renee, you’re having another Oreo. I thought we were stopping at two.” But I’ve learned that the voices in my head will say whatever they’re influenced to say.

Daily affirmations are a fantastic way to create your own truths and believe in them through repetition. Every morning as I’m brushing my teeth, I think of something that’s true at that moment and repeat it 10 times. If I feel like I really kicked butt in the workout that morning: “Renee, you’re dedicated, and you will succeed.”

Ten times!

By the eighth time, I usually have a little more fire behind it and feel powerful. Inner power and focus are all at your fingertips—you just need to learn how to tune your radio. Don’t let those negative self-destructive thoughts linger in your head long enough to take root. You either give them the boot or the ability to take up residency.

I don’t usually give readers homework, but do a quick assessment of your surroundings and check into your emotions.

Could they be linked? What if you cut out some of the crazy crime shows and try meditation or yoga and see how you feel. I am not saying that you can’t enjoy a horror flick or avoid turning up some angry heavy metal music. But like all things, balance is needed. Anything can become all-consuming and greatly affect your mental clarity. Small tweaks in your life can help lead you down the path of purpose and fulfillment. Find the daily activities that bring joy, happiness, and mostly peace to your life.

Repeat them often in times of stress. It is all just up to us if we decide to make those adjustments.

I know you are worth it, do you?

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Retired Blogger

Retired Blogger

Army Wife Network is blessed with many military spouses who share their journey through writing in our Experience blog category. As we PCS in our military journey, bloggers too sometimes move on. Their content and contributions are still valued and resourceful. Those posts are reassigned under "Retired Bloggers" in order to allow them to remain available as content for our AWN fans.

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