Cherish or Cling?

Many moves ago, my husband, our infant daughter, and I moved back to the United States after an overseas posting. It was not my choice, and I was not happy. I went into it with my arms crossed and my eyes closed.

At night I dreamed about my old house, my old neighborhood, and the good friends I left behind. I emailed my “old” friends every week. When I met someone in my new community, I couldn’t help but tell them all about the great life I had before.

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Now What?: Settling in after a PCS

You and your family are settling in after a PCS. If the kids are in school, you may find yourself with hours to fill in a town where no one knows you and you’re still learning your way around. If your kids are schooling remotely or you’re homeschooling, you have less time for yourself, but you know you still need to take action to begin to feel at home in your new surroundings. Involve your kids in this process!

While you may be tempted to stay within the security of your four walls, you know that will only add to your loneliness and delay the process of helping this feel more like home.

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Confronting the Changes in Your Life

Growing up in a military family as a daughter, and then marrying a military man, has given me great insight and understanding of the word change. I learned that a PCS is a physical move, and with a PCS comes a change on many levels—a change of duty station, a change of climate, a change of housing, a change of friends, a change in a marriage relationship, a change of schools for children, and the huge life-change that comes with deployment of a spouse. Other major life changes we may face include retirement, downsizing, divorce, death of a loved one, health issues, or a broken relationship. 

For many women, change is expected, anticipated, and planned. For others, change is unexpected, challenging, and an emotional struggle. Change is a small word with a big impact. Sometimes we are blindsided by what’s coming, other times we hit it head on. We either react or respond. Here are some common reactions to change.

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