Postpartum as a Military Spouse

Scrolling through Facebook, I am flooded with pictures of families smiling, kids playing, and other new moms with captions reading, “heart full.” I must stop scrolling because I can feel the tears coming down my face again. I had a baby 5 weeks ago, and I should be more like the photos I see of smiling faces. But most days, it takes all the strength I have to get out of my room. The dark side of having a baby that I was not prepared for was Postpartum Depression as a military spouse; especially when your service member is away.

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Let’s Talk about Voicemail

As a career coach, a great deal of the advice I give to clients pertains to resumes, interviewing, and dressing for success. However, it is also crucial to pay close attention to the small details in a job search. Those can include choosing a professional email provider, writing thank you notes after interviews and cleaning up your social profiles. However, I frequently see clients overlook how they’re using voicemail as a job-seeking professional.

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Grit, Resilience, and Determination Defines Sika Henry

The term resilience means to become stronger or healthy after something terrible happens, but the word resilience may not be adequate to describe Sika Henry. In 2019 she suffered a traumatic bike accident that would have ended all career goals for most people. However, through grit and determination, Sika defied the odds and traveled a road to recovery.

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Patience With a Side of Pancakes

At age 53 I became a waitress … once again.  It had been thirty years since I laced up those sexy (anti-slip) black shoes, tied a polyester apron around my waist, and hoisted a tray of pancakes over my shoulder.

Why now?

I’m fortunate to have a portable career as a high school teacher, but we moved here during the height of the pandemic, and schools in this area were only offering virtual classes. For me, teaching is a contact sport, so I decided to wait it out.  My daughter came home from  her job at a local diner and asked if I could help out because the diner was struggling to find staff. 

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