Running is a Gift

Many of us continue to make adjustments to find the new normal within this COVID-19 era. It is easy to be consumed by the daily news. The situation is serious, and this is not the time to withdraw but to be vigilant and take precautions to be safe. The situation does not mean that all exercise activities should stop. Prior to COVID-19 you probably invested time to remain in shape—now is not the time to stop.

You can still exercise while maintaining social distance. While the will be smaller, you can still achieve the same results. I am three years out from my heart operation and continue to make adjustments.

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The Magic Words

Last we talked, I was struggling with hope.

We were lucky with our egg extraction. Even after the first round of IVF, we still had enough eggs left to do multiple rounds. After taking a break, we did a second round of IVF. And I was so thankful that this round only included the insemination.

The break was good because it allowed me to find my hope. I took time to concentrate on me—not our relationship, just good old me time. And it helped me feel better.

Tip: If you are going through this, a break might help with the emotional rollercoaster. Also, don’t forget to be nice to yourself.

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Start Somewhere, and Keep Going

While many of us continue to adjust to COVID-19, it does not mean that we have to stop doing any form of exercise. We know how to adapt and change because that is what we have been doing all our lives, so why stop now?

Joe Lugiano is a lifelong friend and coach who has gotten me across many finish lines. His style has been to set me up so I will push myself to a desired goal. The goal was not always achieved, but it was not for a lack of trying.

The takeaway is the concepts and for each of you to find what works for you. Maybe running is not for you, but you have to start with something. How could you have grown up without running?

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Two Went In, But None Came Out

When we last met, I had just had my eggs extracted. Shortly after, I was in pain but was being stubborn and self-diagnosing…

So, I was still in pain when we had to go back to the doctor a couple of days later for them to put the embryos back in. They use an ultrasound to make sure they place the embryos correctly. But, there was so much fluid in my abdomen they had to push down hard to see my uterus. And, oh, that pain.

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How Do We Move Forward?

Living overseas has been a real wonder, and I have loved nearly every aspect of it: the diverse cultures, the traditions, the gorgeous landscapes, the history, and don’t get me started on the amazing food!

The country acted quickly with shutting down most things before COVID-19 had a chance to majorly impact Germany. While businesses are slowly (and I mean slowly) opening back up with new rules and regulations, I can’t help but wonder what our remaining time here will be like? 

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Find Running Inspiration in Others

I had an opportunity to catch up with Sergeant First Class Heather Boyd and ask a few questions. Boyd is an inspiration, and I had the privilege to work alongside her at the Army Ten-Miler. There is a degree of “grit,” and if you’ve read a few of my other columns, then you know what I’m referring to.  

Boyd has faced obstacles and managed to persevere. There are a number of roles that play a prominent part of her life.

Who would want to jump out of an airplane before it lands? After all, there are steps you can walk down. But it happens to be the same person who tackles the JFK 50-Mile Run with a portion along the Appalachian Trail.

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A Resilient Nation Built on HOPE

America has always been shaped by our resilience. We’ve endured multiple wars: one that gave us our freedom, one that threatened to tear us apart, and two that involved attacks on US soil.

We’ve faced economic depression, fought against civil injustices, and worked for a better tomorrow. Even now, as we face an unprecedented pandemic that has turned our lives upside down, we are working together and taking care of each other.

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