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A Year of Thanks: January

I told you in December that I am going to write down every day something for which I am thankful. What I found interesting about this project so far is that there are many things I appreciate. I’m not sure if it’s sinking into my kid’s brain, but hey, I tried!

My inspiration, Matthew

My inspiration, Matthew.

Here’s my January:

1. Chore charts: They’ve become a great bribe for my 5 year old.

2. Kit (my dog): No one is happier to see you when you get home than this dog. Even if he did destroy your favorite shoes and decided to fingerprint with his poop all over the wall, you can’t not be happy to see him, too.

3. Full House: Seriously. I learned how to eat spaghetti with a fork and spoon thanks to Danny Tanner.

4. Netflix and Hulu: This tour in Korea would be unbearable without it! (Yeah, I love TV. Don’t judge.)

5. Mary, my best friend: Bad days are just no match for her love and humor.

6. FTXes: Really. I’ve always been the type who needs alone time to function. While I’m not completely alone, as I do have a 5 year old, having the bed to myself is a good consolation prize.

7. Haagen-Dazs Vanilla Swiss Almond Ice Cream: Does this really need further clarification?

8. Naps: I would never pass up the opportunity to take a nap. I actually embraced my love (and need?) for napping thanks to my sweet friend Star.

9. DONSA (Day of No Scheduled Activities): Put 8 and 9 together, and you’ll find a happy Emily.

10. Cards: Paper or e-card, it doesn’t matter. For someone to take the time to send me encouraging words? Priceless.

11. My iPad: I used to be against e-readers because I like the feel of a book. I like having a library. But, buying a book and cracking it open 30 seconds later? I’ve come to the dark side.

12. The Commissary: We would be up a creek if we had to solely shop on the Korean economy. Nine dollars for a pint of Haagen-Dazs? Bananas.

13. Bidets: Our Korean toilet has a built-in bidet. That’s all I’ll say about that.

14. My car: I drive a crappy 2000 Ford Explorer, and every time it breaks down, I’m even more thankful for the days it doesn’t break down.

15. Late Christmas presents: On Jan. 15, I got a Christmas present that was lost in the mail. The APO system isn’t perfect, but it’s always a good day when you get presents.

16. Swiffer WetJet: We have hardwood floors, and I’m far too lazy for a mop and bucket. The WetJet rocks my world.

17. Google: The quick way to spell check, research, and keep you from sounding dumb. (My favorite link?

18. Greenstreet and the Navy Club on USAG-Yongsan: Delicious American breakfast in Korea? Yes, please!

19. Heated floors: There is nothing quite like heated floors on a cold winter day. Korea does have some awesome aspects to it.

20. When you have it in your head you want to make something, and you happen to have all of the supplies/ingredients you need to make it? Best. Day. Ever.

21. Amazon: If you live overseas, you know and can appreciate the awesomeness that is Amazon.

22. Take out: Because everyone knows how much I can’t stand cooking. Take out was invented with me in mind.

23. Razors and shaving cream: I hate shaving, but I’d hate it even more if I didn’t have a razor. Razors are an amazing invention that should be praised for the marvel it is.

24. My son: My 5 year old wakes up, gets a Poptart and a Capri Sun, turns on the TV, and keeps the volume low so the TV doesn’t wake me up. God bless him.

25. Earrings: I have this unnatural obsession with huge, gaudy earrings. There’s something about tying an outfit together with a pair of 3-inch hoop earrings that just makes my day. It’s also a great conversation starter! This really happened at the commissary. Cashier: “I love your hair, but your earrings scare me.” Me:  “Oh, my gosh, thank you!”

26. The Army Wife Network core team: These ladies are a huge part of my life. We share our ups and downs, make each other laugh hysterically, and truly support each other. They are my sisters, and they’re lucky to have me I’m lucky to have them.

27. Music: Nothing brings you back to a time in your life quite like a song. And nothing beats a dance party with your 5 year old who thinks you’re the best singer and dancer ever.

28. Meetings that run smoothly: Have you been stuck in a meeting that should have been done in 20 minutes but it took three hours? I love meetings that get straight to the point.

29. Unsolicited compliments: When someone goes out of their way to say nice things about me, it melts my (cold and unfeeling) heart.

30. Frozen food that actually tastes good: Stouffer’s lasagna? Yes, please.

31. Promotion ceremonies: My husband was promoted recently, and listening to his battalion commander talk about how awesome he is melted my heart.

That was my January.  Be on the look out for my February!



  1. Mary Kitzmiller

    I made the top 5! Below Danny Tanner and the dog, but still in the top 5! I love you!

  2. Janet McIntosh

    Love it Ems!! Great work girl!! <3

  3. Starlett Henderson

    Way to start out the year. You deserve a nap!



  1. A year of thanks – March | - […] this. Thinking of something to be thankful for every day is tough, but rewarding.  Here’s my January, and here’s…
  2. A year of thanks – April | - […] case you want to catch up, here’s my January, February, and […]
  3. A year of thanks – May | - […] case you want to catch up, here’s my January, February, March, and […]
  4. A Year of Thanks - June | - […] months.  I’ve been writing down one thing I am thankful for every day for six months (January, February, March, April, and May) ,…
  5. A Year of Thanks - July | - […] First, January, February, March, April, May, and June.  And now? […]
  6. Most Popular Military Life Blog Posts of 2014 - The Military Wife and Mom - […] A Year of Thanks […]
  7. A year of thanks - December | Army Wife Network - […] the round up for the year: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, and […]
  8. A year of thanks - February | Army Wife Network - […] I started this year of thanks in January, and let me tell you… Trying to find something you are…
  9. A year of thanks - September | Army Wife Network - […] thankfuls down — only three to go.  Missed previous months?  I’ve got you covered:  January, February, March, April, May,…
  10. A year of thanks - October | Army Wife Network - […]  Still doing this.  I can’t believe it either.  I’ve had this going since January (February, March, April, May, June,…

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