A Year of Thanks: December

This is it, folks. It’s been exactly one year since I started giving thanks for one thing every single day. This all started because my son had a penchant for complaining. We talk all the time about what we’re thankful for, and writing this blog provided a lot of perspective.

It’s been a great year, and I look forward to seeing how 2015 develops.

Here’s the round up for the year: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, and November.

And finally, here’s my December:

1. Christmas trees: Fun putting up. Not so much taking down.

2. Family traditions: We have been doing The Elf on the Shelf for a few years, and Matthew told me how much he loves our traditions. Totally made dealing with moving that thing every day worth it.

3. HBO comedy specials: I love to laugh. So, when I can catch Katt Williams, Chris Rock, and others as HBO comedy specials, I am all over it.

4. Voting: If only it were an election year.

5. Friends: Not people who only know you because of what you post on Facebook. I’m talking about real friends. The friends who know about the skeletons in your closet and still want to be associated with you. The friends who call before they come over, because they know you not only don’t like surprises, they also know you’re not wearing pants. Oh, and the TV show, too.  Big fan.

6. Whipped cream: Nom, nom, nom.

7. Frozen waffles: I’m the exact opposite of a morning person and not having to actually make food first thing in the morning (or for dinner, as the case may be) makes me slightly less cranky.

8. When you stop giving a crap: Have you ever had a moment when you realized that bit of drama or that stressful situation in your life is just not worth your attention, and you just stop giving a crap? It’s such a beautiful thing. If I could give you one piece of advice, it would be stop giving a crap about things that don’t matter.

9. Cold cuts: I’m pregnant so I can’t eat cold cuts, and of course, now I think they are the most amazing things ever created.

10. Creating something beautiful: I was able to photograph my brother’s wedding in September, and I made a wedding album for him. It turned out beautifully. The disc I sent him with his edited photos? It just came out perfectly. I was able to bring to life a vision I had, and it’s a wonderful feeling.

11. Having a deep conversation with your spouse: There is so much hustle and bustle in everyone’s everyday lives, and getting a chance to sit down and talk—really talk—doesn’t happen often. But when it does? It fills the soul.

12. The post office: Imagine if there was no way to mail something. Really. Think about it. I’d be the one with the lazy pigeon and never mailed anything…

13. Having opposable thumbs: Can you imagine how hard it would be to eat a cupcake if you had no thumbs? I mean, really.

14. Shonda Rhimes: She’s. Just. Brilliant.

15. When someone asks you a somewhat complicated question and you actually have an answer: You’ve saved the day!

16. Having a full fridge: Because food is like a hug from the universe.

17. Making food for someone and they say it’s delicious: It’s almost as amazing as being told I’m a good mom. Almost.

18. My son: His 6th birthday was December 18, and I am just in awe of the person he is becoming. So in love with that boy!


19. PayPal: Remember life before PayPal? It was bleak.

20. OS X Yosemite: It was just such a great OS update on my MacBook. I love my Apple products.

21. Finding money shoved in the black hole that is my purse: Yeah, it was only $5, but it’s still $5!

22. Trashy reality TV shows: I’m a fan, and I’ve come to terms with it.

23. Spending Christmas with extended family: I’m so thankful my son gets to spend Christmas with my husband’s family. He gets so much love, and the more love he gets, the better!

24. Frosted Mini Wheats: Nom, nom, nom.

25. The fact that Matthew totally believes in Santa, his elf, and Christmas magic: I will be so sad when someone tells him the truth about Santa.

26. Going on a road trip and hitting no traffic: Like Santa, it’s magical!

27. Starbucks Hot Chocolate: Again, nom, nom, nom.

28. My relationship with my mother-in-law: I don’t have to explain who I am to her. She accepts me for who I am, and I love her for it.

29. Creativity: The world would be boring without it.

30. Unexpected generosity: There is nothing like faith-in-humanity-restoring generosity.

31. New beginnings: This is it from me, y’all. It’s been fun.


I am on to new adventures for 2015.

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Retired Blogger

Retired Blogger

Army Wife Network is blessed with many military spouses who share their journey through writing in our Experience blog category. As we PCS in our military journey, bloggers too sometimes move on. Their content and contributions are still valued and resourceful. Those posts are reassigned under "Retired Bloggers" in order to allow them to remain available as content for our AWN fans.

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