Finding HOPE: “The Sea Brought Us Back”

When Cameron Albin was in the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in the fall of 2012, the former Marine Corps infantry officer admits that he “was not a very good human being.”

There were the struggles with recovery from a traumatic brain injury and PTSD which led to a medical discharge from the Marines a year earlier after a long stay at Walter Reed.

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Here’s How You Can Help the USA’s Blood Supply

Today, our nation is facing a severe blood shortage as hospitals are responding to an atypically high number of traumas and emergency room visits. Across the country, there’s a great hospital demand for blood. Part of the reason for this strong demand is because patients who previously delayed care and surgeries during the COVID-19 pandemic are now experiencing advanced disease progression and seeking medical treatment. This type of advanced care can require even more blood transfusions. 

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5 Stress Relief Ideas: Milspouse Approved

I sat on my back porch with my toes in the sun. I was tired, maybe feeling some stress. My kids had given me grief all day long. The dishes were undone. The house a bit of a mess. I had a to-do list a mile long for my clients and a board meeting to prepare for that evening.

Even with all that sitting prominently on my plate, I sat on the back porch and put my toes in the sun.

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5 Ground Rules for Strength Training

If you are just starting your weight-lifting journey, it can be a daunting task. With the advent of social media, there are so many Instagram fitness people showing off their heaviest or most complicated lifts. These videos, while impressive to an experienced strength trainer or lifter, can leave fitness professionals leery, as complicated lifting can shy newbies away from fitness (which is not a good thing). I’m here to give novice lifters a few tips, or rather, ground rules, on how to approach strength training.

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What is Orthorexia, and How Does It Develop?

Military personnel are expected to uphold a high standard of discipline, control, and fitness. Many military families are also expected to uphold this level of discipline—at home and at the dinner table.

While eating whole foods, fruits, and vegetables is not in itself a bad thing, there is a fine line between “healthy eating” and disordered eating.

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