What I Will NOT Miss About Germany

My wife Jules, myself, and our three children Hunter (12), Eva (10), and Acadia (8) were scheduled to be stationed in Germany for three years, and the way my wife’s Army career was looking, it was possible we could squeeze in a fourth year. Then the military does what it always does, and our world was turned upside down. Jules was selected for a position at Fort Lee in Virginia and our three or four years living and traveling in Europe was cut short to two.

How do I help the children cope with learning that, at 18 months and in six more months, they will once again have to pick up their lives and move? How do I cope with picking up my life and moving at the two-year mark?

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Don’t Trick Me—Milspouse Edition

The best (and by best, I mean most hilarious) lunch I’ve ever had from the commissary was macaroni and cheese. I’ve gotta hand it to these folks, really, because they got me pretty good. Now, if you know me, or have known me for more than five minutes, you know macaroni and cheese is my favorite food. I eat a lot of it and often…a habit I’ve had for years.

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Milspouse vs. Mrs. Claus: Who Will Win?

The holidays can be an exciting time—the lights, the joy, the hope that permeates the atmosphere. The overall holiday experience can get even more revved up with the much-anticipated sports match-ups. 

As special holiday treat, we bring you coverage of the Tough Enough Showdown of the Year: The Military Spouse vs. Mrs. Claus! The gloves are coming off to determine who does it better between these two empowered individuals. 

Looks like the match up of the year is about to start. Let’s tune in! 

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Milspouse Rebel: Mail Room Edition

Daring the skies to open up on me today was the most fun I have had checking the mail, possibly ever. I knew it was going to rain. Didn’t have to be a genius to figure that one out based on the sky and the fact that it’s the rainy season—ahem, rainy half of the year—here in Okinawa.

I stood in my closet and picked out appropriate clothing.

To check the mail?


Is this girl really writing about checking the mail? Like there is something to say about that?

Yes. Yes, I am.

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Year of the Bundt

As military spouses, I know many of us are accustomed to moving all. the. time.

You get to a new place, you start to unpack your stuff, and then you open up a box that you haven’t looked at since the beginning of the last move and find a hidden gem in there…

Maybe it’s the butter dish that went missing four years ago, tightly wrapped in packing paper and tucked inside your old microwave (that happened).

Maybe it’s the top screw to your gorgeous bamboo paper towel holder, stuffed inside a trinkets box from when you lived overseas (yep, that also happened).

Maybe it’s your husband’s entire set of West Point beer steins and their glass pitcher, expertly wrapped but boxed in with old college textbooks (you betcha that happened).

Or maybe it’s an old Bundt cake cookbook, one that you’ve never even opened, but your kids find it and start to flip through it, exclaiming over every single recipe.. Well, when that happens, there’s only one thing to be done—you make a pledge then and there to pick out a Bundt and make one per month for an entire year.

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A Shoutout to the US Army

Thanks for the housing allowance, free health insurance, and our custody agreement that allows me to see your property (Whom I call my husband. It’s silly, I know.) on some weekends and holidays.

Thanks for keeping my mind sharp by changing schedules and plans last minute, so I can never plan anything. It keeps me young.

Thanks for the twitch in my eye that I developed from hurrying up and waiting.

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5 Weird Inventions I Secretly Love

It all started when I saw an article about a “weird invention” that was a baby stroller/scooter hybrid. I thought it was brilliant. If I’d had a stroller/scooter when my kids were little tikes, I like to think we would have gone so many places—so much faster.

I’m pretty sure it appealed to me because I recently purchased an adult scooter. Yep. The same thing the kiddos ride around on except bigger.

All because of Rocco. Rocco is my 5-year-old handsome cattle dog who loves to run.

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