3 Challenges of Reintegration (And 3 Possible Solutions)

I’ve been writing about deployment and reintegration a lot. It’s my life right now, and it’s harder than I anticipated. I thought it would be magically easy, since my husband and I had some key conversations to prepare us for the changes that occurred for all of us while he was gone.

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What is Assertive Communication and Why Do We Struggle with It?

If you struggle to communicate with family, friends, or coworkers, you aren’t alone. Communication in any type of relationship can at times feel tricky, leading to unnecessary conflict, stress, and drama. Luckily, the powerful tool of Assertive Communication can help navigate relationships with honesty and clarity while strengthening your confidence and self-esteem. 

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Managing Expectations

Have you ever asked your significant other for help? Did it help? Or did you both just end up frustrated? You have to think about managing expectations even when asking for help.

For most people in that situation, you both end up frustrated because your significant other thinks, “well, I helped” and you think “you didn’t do enough”. If by chance you are most people, then the issue may have been communication. One person’s definition of help is not the same as someone else’s definition. The solution is to explain it…

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The Secret Side of Mental Illness

Having a mental illness, such as depression or anxiety, can be accompanied by a host of stigmas that have slowly been accepted by society as more and more individuals are diagnosed. While I’m not saying that having a mental illness is easy, I’m saying having depression and anxiety is slowly becoming accepted in society as part of life.

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How to Rekindle the Flame in Your Marriage

Sometimes your marriage is the last thing on the list to get attention. I know. I get it.

There were times when my focus and attention was on the needs of our children, maintaining a home, a full schedule, and trying to keep the wheels of life turning smoothly. Bill’s focus was his military career, finishing college, and then climbing the ladder in the corporate world.   

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A Decade With You

I recently hit a big milestone. The United States Army has now owned a piece of my heart for 10 years, a whole decade—and I never even signed the papers to join. Well, actually, I did sign a paper. I signed my wedding certificate.

My husband and I just celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. We commemorated it with a small but delicious meal he cooked us at 9 p.m. when he was back from one of many days of training exercises. And, I offered him some new treats I attempted to create, where my skill level was that of our children.

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